This is a troll post, right?

Apparently also means "roger, will comply" as a radio code.

The flying machine in Warcraft 3 would say that name. No idea what it meant.

Legit thought I was on r/spacecannibalism for a moment.

Frequent bug I've been experiencing is where I'll action a whole bunch of stuff only for it not to register on their end. For example, I would start an upgrade and train my army but when I check back in an hour the upgrade I started is not going and my army is not training.

Terraria, maybe? Especially with mods like Calamity and Souls.

I know this is bait but my fuck that has to be the ugliest fucking base I've ever seen.

Seriously, it's such better sleep when you don't get tangled in clothes.

Frostpunk 2: Rimworld Edition

The story clearly paints Arthas as a brash hothead who doesn't think too far ahead and let's his thirst for vengeance overwhelm his decision making. Is it that hard to believe that the same person would be easily taken over by someone as powerful as Nerzhul?

You forget that Arthas wields Frostmourne, which is basically a direct link to the Lich King.

The paragraph at the end of the human campaign states the following.

"After taking vengeance upon Mal'ganis, Prince Arthas wandered off into the frozen wasteland of Northrend. Tormented by Frostmourne's maddening voice, Arthas lost the last vestiges of his sanity. Now, driven by the sword's dark will, Arthas plans to return home to Lordaeron and claim his just reward..."

You're talking out of your ass. If you don't like the story that's fine, but don't go around twisting facts to prove your narrative.

Your facts are a bit off there. By the time he was summoned by Tichondrius he has already slain his father and ravaged the lands of Lordaeron.

Dude picks up an insanely powerful artifact that steals his soul and effectively turns him into a slave for the Lich King.

Somehow in your mind it's a simple "hurr durr he does a 180" corruption moment. There are plenty of weak "corruption" moments in Warcraft, but this ain't it, chief.