What happened today with Eric and Max is the last straw for me. I have to speak out against Supercell and the blatant greed, favoritism, laziness, and disrespect towards the player base.

Ever since the Town Hall 16 update this game has been on a downward spiral that has only gotten worse and worse and has culminated to where Supercell doesn't even care about the game as long as it's printing money; and as the community is starting to show, we aren't having it.

  1. Updates are Rushed, Unpolished, and Un-Tested:

First off, the Root Rider. From the beginning we could instantly see how overly broken this troop was. Supercell has had to nerf them THREE whole times because of how strong they are. It seems like SC didn't even think to test how this troop would work before pushing it out and nearly every update since TH16 has felt the same. Nerfing defenses while buffing troops after already throwing the defensively scale completely out of wack with updates like the Hero Equipment (which will have its own section below) shows that the developers have no idea what is actually being caused by the updates they roll out.

Next, visual issues. If you look closely at any of the buildings released before the TH16 update versus the buildings that came with TH16 or after, you will notice that there's a glaring visual difference. The new ones look like they're almost floating off the ground in comparison because they aren't actually connected to the ground tiles.

Here's an example:




Supercell needs to hire an exterminator because I've never seen the game this buggy in my life. In the past 6 months I've experienced more bugs in CoC than I have in my entire time playing. I had a bug that caused my upgrade times to be reduced by up to a week's worth of time, one where I couldn't load in any of my cosmetics (sceneries or hero skins), I just recently lost two days of the Streak Event because I couldn't progress it which I know many of you also had happen, and I'm currently facing a bug where no matter my amount of trophies I'm hard stuck in Master 2.

I should be in Champion 3, but the game forces me back into Master 2 

This game has been out for almost twelve entire years now, but somehow the quality of the game has dropped to astronomically low levels. Supercell apparently brought on a lot of new people to the Clash of Clans team last year, but it seems like management must have also changed because the standard of quality for nearly every aspect of the game has dropped and people are noticing. SC has shown they can't handle fast-paced updates, so what they need to do is pause these rushed, unbalanced and untested updates to the game and take a step back to focus on game quality and community support.

  1. Hero Equipment:

By far the best and worst update to ever come to Clash of Clans. I think originally, with just 4 pieces of equipment for each hero, it was the perfect way to make attacks more unique and fun for both casual players and the pro scene. But now we have gotten 5 pieces of epic equipment in just 7 months, and we have FOUR more leaked to be released in the next couple months. In order to max out all the pieces of equipment you'd have to spend hundreds if not thousands of real dollars even if you're getting all the ores you can in game.

Supercell lied and told us they would slow down the rate at which they were releasing hero equipment because we can see that they're only releasing them even faster now. This is stressful enough as a casual player as you can essentially only choose to upgrade a few pieces, sacrificing the ability to make more unique attack strategies which was the whole idea of changing how hero abilities worked in the first place. But for the pro scene this makes it completely pay-to-win and destroys the integrity of how e-sports work in Clash.

I genuinely feel overwhelmed by the constant release of equipment to the point where the entire system doesn't feel fun anymore. And I know a lot of people share this sentiment because hero equipment is causing burnout throughout the game.

  1. Like the Goblin Builder, Supercell is GREEDY:

The amount of ways Supercell has started trying to monetize the game is at a level well beyond what we've ever seen. Now obviously, the point of a game like this is to make money and there will always be backlash towards game monetization, but what SC is doing with Clash of Clans goes beyond what is acceptable. They've announced they're moving to a 12-month Town Hall upgrade cycle instead of the previous 18-month cycle, which essentially forces players to spend money if they wish to be maxed out by the time the next town hall releases. Store offers are being sold at a faster rate than they used to be. Now we have monthly event passes that you can buy if you want to be able to get the "good" rewards (or anything beyond the epic equipment). If you want to max out more than one or two pieces of epic hero equipment you need to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on event medals, ore packs, and gems.

And the most recent glaring example of Supercell's new lust for money is the Apprentice Builder, costing a whopping 6500 gems to max out. That's the equivalent of a $50 USD gem pack. Their excuse for this is that it's supposed to be something you start at a lower town hall level and work towards as you progress in the game. Okay, then why didn't players with higher town halls have it automatically unlocked at a certain level? They don't have the same level of gem resources that newer players have access to, so why wouldn't Supercell make a point of balancing out that difference. The answer is they're greedy. They don't care how people feel about an update so long as they think it will bring in money for them. And of course they release this update right after bringing the Goblin Builder back as if they couldn't make it any more obvious they're trying to wring out every last gem (and dollar) from us that they can.

  1. Mistreatment of the Community:

I don't know how many of you have noticed, but the lack of community support has dwindled recently. I know that Darian recently left the company so I can understand that there might be a bit of difficulty shifting to new leadership for community outreach, but every single time I've talked to a Supercell representative (as I have had to do several times now due to all the bugs I've had to deal with) I've gotten the impression that they aren't being briefed on new updates and how they might need to address new bugs or questions regarding the game.

Now we've gotten plenty of decent community events like the new "Unlimited Heroes" event coming in July, but there seems to be some bug that comes with every single one of them. And each time Supercell's response is just "Oops, oh well" and they move on without really addressing the fact that many players lost out on resources or event rewards because of their mistakes. This also comes back to the fact that SC just needs to roll back the yearly town hall idea and instead work on the quality of the product they are creating.

Now what really spawned this post was Clash with Eric's video about how Supercell is using copyright to silence creators who criticize them, and how there is clear favoritism within Supercell's creator program (and by proxy the professional scene). Supercell knows that the direction they're taking the game is wrong. That's why they're silencing anyone who dares speak out. They went around the rules for removing a player from a professional CoC team which shows they have favoritism for certain teams due to people associated with them. They demoted Eric's creator level for speaking out about it, and subsequently completely removed Erikuh from the creator program. If they're willing to unapologetically attack the players closest to them, why would Supercell care about the common person playing the game? They've shown they do not care for the people who play this game, so we should show them what that means to us.

Everyone here should go leave a bad review on the App Store or Google Play Store to show that something needs to change otherwise we're going to stop playing. We are in fact unhappy with the game right now. We love Clash of Clans, so don't go and ruin it Supercell. This game has survived 12 years, don't make that go to waste because you're blinded by greed.