I didn't know they had that. I guess it's a start but like you said I don't really care about those either.

Great strategy here from the dems. You have to vote for Biden which I will of course over Trump. But also Biden is too old to even remotely do his job and will be 86 when his term is over. So we get a choice of a dictator or an old feeble man who struggles to work holding the most important office in America in a time of great need and conflict.

That fact that this game does NOT have a lock button for certain Pokemon is boarder line criminal. Locks Pokemon so you can’t transfer, purify or level it up. Tons of gacha games have them. It’s such an obvious inclusion to the game that the fact that there isn’t one makes me think it’s done on purpose.

Obviously fresh ground beef is better but those Costco patties are not a bad choice for a bbq. Most people don’t care once you slap some cheese on them. My local Costco carries more than a few different types from grass feed, sirloin, wagyu and the cheapest a 1/4 lb 75/25.

In case anymore is wondering Redding does hit temps of 105 and higher most of the time in the summer. It’s definitely above average for the this time of year but it’s gets really hot in Redding. It’s the second sunniest place in the US. It’s in a valley and the heat is dry since there isn’t much humidity if any at all.

I’ve got my whole house using Hues as well both for indoors and outdoors. I love how easy they are to manage once you get your schedules in place.

It’s a line from a movie. BASEketball (1998) by Trey Parker and Matt Stone the South Park guys.

At my local 7/11 I used to take my kids on Friday to get treats and drinks. A lot of parents did on Fridays. One day we got there a bit later than usual and saw a family of three kids right by the slurpy and fountain machines jamming their grimy hands up all the dispensers. Worse yet is the mom was right there watching the little shits do it. That ruined what used to a fun a thing to do on Fridays. I know those things are not super clean and all but seeing it with my own eyes sucked.

It’s definitely meant to be seen as a stand alone Halloween episode. If I remember correctly after this episode is a Thanksgiving episode.

Have you read or seen The Road? I’m on the wife’s side of that solution.

One thing that this saga has taught me is that it isn’t just the Dino dems in these positions that are dangerous. It’s all of the people who work for them. The sycophants that line up to move their way up the beltway. The yes men and women who love their current way of life in DC. All the staffers who don’t want to acknowledge that keeping a person older than the chocolate chip cookie is bad for the good of the country. It’s bullshit.

I did this recently when I messed up and tossed some meat the day after my bins were picked up. It worked great. Also, big bags of baking soda are not very expensive considering their many uses around the house.

I love that this reference is becoming so obscure. It’s a great reminder of how old I’m getting 😂

Dude as everyone is saying you’re in for a bad time if you choose to ride this relationship out. You’re also okay letting your wife go to this wedding solo too? Where she’ll be drinking and partying with her friend group that knows and encouraged her to have this affair?! That’s a bold move man.

I’ve had three random/stranger friends do this this week. We all sent congratulations gifts afterwards to each other too.

I’m getting paid $2 a survey to take very obvious republican think tank surveys at the moment. They reached out to me by mail first. I think because where I live and my economic demo on paper would put me center right or harder in their algorithm.

It’s kind of hilarious how they frame questions on republican performance without trying to hurt the Rights feelings. Especially anything to do with Trump. They also ask questions at times that are difficult to give negative answers too. Like how much do you like Trump? A little or a lot?

The worse to me is the work from home parents that say they’re stay at home parents. You are doing a disservice to your job and your kids as both need full time attention.

By moonlighting as the stay at home parent you are also giving those who work from home a bad name by not being fully invested in the job you’re paid to do. When my wife occasionally works from home she is looked away in the office and I rarely see here throughout the day.

Me who grew up saying “Hella” all the time watching this with full understanding that it’s a phase and every generation goes through it.

I used to live in PD, of course, it's a dry heat as I'm sure you've heard a million times. The one thing I will remember the most besides swimming pools being almost worthless during this heat is the oppressive heat at night. I'm up north now in the hottest part of NorCal and my Saturday is hitting 119...

You need to take a break from playing games and find a new hobby. Then after some time come back to this hobby.

Stardew Valley… again lol. It’s so damn relaxing and with the new update and my Steam Deck it’s the best way to unwind at the end of the day.

This is such a great idea. Sony doing this with the PS5 and the portal is how I got mine. I’ve never even considered buying directly through them before either.