I'm all about the La-Hee!

Indeed, and people complained about that on the grounds some of the story resolution was rushed. Can't win, I guess.

I too found it puzzling. It's not like helping out a slightly dopey princess is unusual in video games.

As you're likely aware, many people are extremely disappointed with Dawntrail already. As you note, much of this appears to stem from antipathy to Wuk Lamat (who I personally find quirky and endearing), the slow pacing (which is a problem IMO), and the fact they simply don't care about who gets the throne and/or would prefer it wasn't Wuk Lamat.

I take a different view, which I imagine will get down-voted into oblivion, which is odd for simply expressing an opinion, but here goes.

The graphics update, appearance of the new zones, and the music I love. I agree with you that it is frankly a great relief to have such a contrast to the depressing, existential threats of EW, and the slate-grey backdrop of Garlemald. Simply riding around the world is enjoyable. This was hyped as a vacation and that is what we've seen to date.

I do find the MSQ is struggling a bit, but: this is the beginning of a long narrative. I cannot believe the pay-off will be whether or not Wuk Lamat gets the throne. That is a starter thread to build the world. There will be twists, turns and sub-plots, and yes I am really hoping they are a bit more engaging than the early MSQ. If instead 7.x continues in this rather uninspiring manner, I'll join the chorus of those complaining. But I do not think that will happen.

The primary innovation seems to be to add a 5-10 day delay relative to standard USPS.

You're not being silly. When we are told a start date but no end date for something as important as code distribution, it ensures many people get nervous. What is silly here is the system.

I still haven't got mine. Telling people codes "make a take a while" is a guaranteed method of causing stress. But is normal for SQEX.

This software is absolute garbage

Are there any VODs CC vets would recommend to get into the mode? I've played a few thousand FL matches, but honestly the issues with that are making it tedious. I've found some CC content on YT, but I really can't figure out what it is we're supposed to be doing.

Yeah thanks, I think you're right and that I was confusing it with another mouse-related bug from a while back. I've just moved to much higher rez and am noticing "issues" that are actually working as intended.

I'm actually shocked by how bad it is. Cake around 2006 was better than this.

Hey all. I just switched to a new PC for 14, now when I left or right click, my cursor disappears. I seem to recall doing this before but don't remember how I fixed it. Is this a game setting issue or a Windows 11 one? tyia

People who enjoy PvP would generally like the XP (and rewards) to be greatly reduced. The incentive to play is that you enjoy the mode. We already have plenty of rouletters AFKing to get their XP. This isn't fair on PvP enthusiasts.

I shouldn't comment on anything about PvP in general? Any other demands you'd like to make?

Yeah I can see why you get on with those guys.

My win-rate has stayed within a couple of tenths of 33.3% over 3000+ matches and I'm perfectly happy with that. It's match *quality* I'm interested in. It is indeed designed to be a casual mode, and that is why it's evolution has involved eliminating GC stacking and full parties. My opinion (and I recognize it is just that), is that the natural evolution of this process is a solo-only queue.

Vive la résistance!!! :)

My default position is to believe people.

I got the reception I expected on Revival and some of it was probably deserved. It felt time to interact directly, particularly since I imagine the people who have been involved in getting me vote-kicked and suspended from the forums are members. But I certainly understand that in any such community, there will be a spectrum of behaviors, some less mature than others.

It was actually productive for me. I had a very pleasant and instructive chat with X*** via DM.

Absolutely, run through the node to face/repel the attack. And don't all rush back to a node that is safely under our map control when a teammate is already there.

Sure, I'm not pollyanna-ish enough to assume that the removal of the oppressive influence of premades will suddenly make the couldn't-care-less subset of players play better. But some might at least conclude they're on the same level playing field as everyone else and put in a bit of effort. Honestly, I'd love it if SE would just flip the queue switch for a month so we could find out empirically.

A point that seems to get overlooked, despite being mentioned on the forums, is that many experienced solo players dislike playing on the *same* team as premades (rather than against them). Most of us can counter the DRK+ mechanics or at least avoid getting stomped when we face them. On the same team it simply reduces my contribution to close to zero.

I appreciate your engagement and input.

Since you're familiar with the system, I'll happily accept your superior knowledge. Such channels will, of course, give premades an even greater edge. Given the hostility I received today, I don't think me joining voice is a very good idea. In fact like many other veteran solo queuers, I'm more likely to take the advice in your other comment and abandon the mode entirely.

To elaborate on your above "charges," I was indeed suspended from the 14 forums for calling a mansplainer an "arrogant ass." I was vote-kicked twice from FL having said nothing in chat at all and while participating fully, by individuals who disagree with my anti-premade views. As to my "toxicity" on Revival, I was having a perfectly reasonable and productive conversation with a well-known commander about these issues, when multiple people piled in (including you, presumably), with all sorts of lovely suggestions, including that I should eat piss-covered underwear.

As to main character syndrome, I'm the Warrior of Light, honey.

Sounds like a recruitment issue.

Nothing of what I said above is untrue. But I would encourage PvP enthusiasts to visit all the Discord servers. I have nothing to hide. Others can't say the same.

I'm specifically referring to Discord groups dumping 35 of the same job on the field by Q-synching, particularly when it's apparent ahead of time that job choice is going to make for a miserable game. (Tanks don't work, for example.) If everyone switching to a job happens organically, no problem. Weird, but that is people exercising freedom of choice.

But when I get dumped into a FL match where an "event" has been scheduled that leads to a crappy game, my freedom of choice is surely being impeded? I didn't choose to participate in someone else's stupid event. I can choose to leave, which is my usual solution.