Heya Warriors of Light,

I just want to preface that I am definitely not even average in PvP ability, it has never been my forte and I am just bad at predicting whatever an player enemy would do.

In Frontline I usually follow the pack, help with objectives and help eliminate targets, so at least I feel somewhat useful there.

In CC, I feel like in most cases I am utterly useless.

As DPS? I tried SAM (PvE my main, but nope for PvP to me), DRG&MCH (worked the "best" for me, but that doesn't mean much :) ) and MNK (more pain), usually since it feels like no matter what I do, damage from me seems to be 0 while I take damage not even shield or heal spam can deal with?

As for tanks, I tried WAR (did not click well, too smooth brain to be as good as all the WARs I see xD), GNB (mixed bag, sometimes almost feeling sucessful) or DRK, all of which left me feeling as squishy as my runs as DPS sometimes with even less damage. This of course might be coming down to being more focused on due to being a tank?

I do try to stick with the group, but either I get sniped, my allies get sniped and I'm alone; or I get distracted by trying to hit 2 skills and suddenly my allies are elsewhere, leaving me and the crystal alone vs. most of enemy team?

I don't know if it is just me and my lack of PvP mindset overall at fault, or just a skill issue that I cannot keep up with the plays of the usual crowd in CC.

I hope someone can give me a few hints on what I could do better/watch out for, as I want to be able to join CC runs with friends without feeling like I'm a drag to anyone or without getting frustrated about being a wasted slot in the group.

Thanks in advance <3