Mesh is terrible. But at least it's kinda half decently chaired up there. 99% of the time mesh just ends up on the bottom of the slab.

Mesh is terrible. But at least it's kinda half decently chaired up there. 99% of the time mesh just ends up on the bottom of the slab.

Making left turns in a small car is damn near a death sentence if someone In a suv or large truck is making a left turn in the other lane across from you. Can't see if there is oncoming traffic in lanes next to the truck/suv.

Metal gear for the nes. Game is a masterpiece

Man with itchy bum wakes with stinky finger.

For what it's worth, you can play coquette with a GameCube and it will still work. Don't know what that has to do with anything, but it survived getting "coquetted" with a sledgehammer a few times and still ran solid.

Yup. Sephiroth just summons meteor and wins. Or cloud uses a few summons and wins. If they aren't allowed to use materia then maybe they would lose. Even if they die you got the phoenix and final materia combo to both attack the opponent and revive. Plus cure.

If you can't keep up with the watering and keep moisture on it 24/7 for about 7 days (this is where the burlap sacks come in handy), don't do a wet cure. Concrete being wet then dried over and over actually messes with the concrete and weakens it

I've got a grave pact card that doesn't have an emblem in the middle right. What set is it From?

Played and beat the game and thought it was amazing. Then I started to see all the online hate and wondered why? I think people just hate on ot cause there's no Shepard lol. And the aurora song at the end was pretty good imo.

Dbz budokai tenkaichi 3 is still one of the best fighting games I've ever played. The dbz games that came after were too focused on cinematic moves, or just felt like a step backwards from the 3d fighting style with destructable environments that dbzbt3 was. I miss being able to counter or teleport out of anything so long as you had good timing. And you could even counter-teleport out of someone's counter until one of you ran out of energy. It was perfection 👌.

Number munchers. And later cannon fodder, Oregon trail and word wizard.

Bungie got a little hate from me when they tried to make content on the destiny 1 disc unlockable through a dlc. Content was already on the disc, but they tried to make you pay for it afterwards

Abyss was pretty good but I couldn't finish it. Not cause I didn't want to, i ended up losing my ds version and had to give back the (ps2 or GameCube one can't remember) to my friend.

Honestly had this problem in my hometown subway when I worked there. Mostly it was from the crackheads who smoked some bad Crack that gave them diarrhea. I absolutely refused to clean it. Boss tried to say it was in my contract, to which I replied if you can point out in that co tract where I says I have to clean shit off the walls and toilet I'll do it. He couldn't point it out lol.

Wild darkness, ark asa, and legend of Zelda ocarina of time. So I can craft stuff out of stuff I find but am almost always dying of thirst and hunger. Ark guy can tame and craft but is also almost dying of thirst and hunger (until he grows some crops, and gets access to tek weapons), and link can fuck shit up with his sword but can only speak through shouting and grunts.

Link will have to protect us until ark guy gets an animal army tamed and makes us some jetpacks.

Also can confirm. I've seen a post about it being back in service on reddit.

Hell yeah! When the bitch burned the tree I remember the alliance finally organized and we spent a good week invading all the horde capitals over and over again.

Get ahead in score then just go wait behind your goalie, no one will come for you. Used to work for me on my ps2 version, dunno if it still works on the remaster.

Seen this posted a few times now throughout the year. But it is sexy af. You would need an army of finishers for this, and maybe some delay or something put in the concrete so you get more working time. Also a butteload of eucobar (ecobar? Forget what the name is exactly)

Gul. And eleceed Those are 2 of the greatest comics in the last few years.

The original plan was for ascended to be a free upgrade on survival evolved from unreal 4 to unreal 5

Yup. And the Rng for getting blueprints and totems is trash. Especially if you just go the free to play route. Been playing 2 years and still only have a few purple totems, no legendaries.