Doesn’t have to be “filmmaking”. Akaash Singh is a comedian who just rose through the social media ranks. A lot of people are doing that these days because they don’t want to get cast in stereotypical roles. You get big enough, and people come knocking. Better to chart your own path than wait around for a racist industry to finally not be racist. Either way, you’re gonna be a broke actor unless something amazing happens. Better be broke doing stuff you want to do vs being broke waiting for the world to change.

General rule of thumb is 3 years especially if you’ve gotten some sort of promotion in those years.

First two years are just seeing if you’re basically competent - able to show up, don’t harass people at work, basic professional skills and basic competence in your area. If you’re able to hang around for a third year, it means you can do your job. You’ve also gained contacts.

Of course it depends on the field. Could be more or less in different industries.

Most of the Portuguese community in the US is from the Azores or Madeira. Huge communities in Bay Area, Central Valley, San Diego.

But this is also peak selling season and it’s holding at 6 months inventory. In August, sales slump and we’ll start seeing 7 months inventory, 8 months inventory, etc. When it gets to multiple months of inventory, foreclosures start and sellers begin to panic.

The powers that be won’t let that happen. Next year, we’ll get a “<insert fabricated victim group> were cheated out of equity. Homeownership is the bedrock of America. We need to bail them out, and the banks too.”

Or before? If he had said last year that he’s retiring, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

They’re pretty close to all three because senate isn’t looking good for democrats.

Yeah Reddit never seemed to look at any polls or accept the fact that people are dissatisfied with Biden. In this sub, a guy said he was a gay Puerto Rican who was voting for Trump because of inflation and he got downvoted to oblivion.

The lower income/lower education segment of America plus people who want low taxes are a majority of this country. We get the leaders we deserve.

What about Kennedy? He polls around 9%. Swap him out for Biden. If all the “I hate Trump” crowd vote then Trump loses.

There wasn’t really a crash in California. Like at all. Rents and home prices shot through the roof anywhere with jobs.

Ok I’m gonna apply. I was avoiding it due to not wanting to live near Menlo park

Yeah be comp sci is more valuable than cybersecurity masters.

I’m not sold on all these specialized degree programs: data science vs plain old economics degree, cybersecurity vs cs degree, digital marketing degree vs business degree with focus on marketing. Feel a lot are just marketing driven and don’t teach the full range of skills needed to be successful.

Cybersecurity is seen as a cost and not a way to make money. Always be in the part of the business that makes money.

Yeah I had that too. He was actually pretty good and no one who took that class ended up pregnant or getting anyone pregnant so it worked. Mr. Johnston was my PE teacher that year and he’d always corner me in the locker room and ask me, “What should you always wear during sex?” “Latex condom” was the answer he was seeking.

There’s a book out there that shows you how to write an OS in C from scratch. Also one about writing a C compiler from scratch.

Lol, no. You ever work with marketing people? Their job is to produce decks and justify headcount. You think they care about anything more than “make number go up”? Anything remotely complex like a dual axis data chart destroys them mentally and emotionally. Those are your decision makers. They decide whether your mathematical model is valuable.

Look it up yourself. They don’t pay $90k. It’s $89/hour - the same rate that they pay full time. They also give health insurance, you just don’t get stock or bonus.

2nd grade and also doing a cs degree? Wow, you’re so smart!

Meta has IC contractor rates that they publish in the job ads. There’s no negotiation as per the job ads.

Don’t do data science. I say this as one.

The entire world has thought, “I’ll get paid $200k and it’s easier than being an engineer!” So many Google certificate holders, so many boot campers with no degree or who can’t do algebra. So many Indians and Chinese who did a ds masters or stats master at dubious programs. The market is so saturated and salaries are going down. This doesn’t even include all the ds programs and electives that are being taught at universities. All those foreign and domestic grads coming into the market the next two years for jobs that don’t exist. So many companies who haven’t seen benefit from data, so many marketing, sales and other people who never look at the data and just do whatever they want. Companies realize this and don’t want to pay people $100k starting for no reason.

Yeah I’m curious as to what they’re actually for that’s not sending spam emails.

Most mobile work is offshored to Czech Republic, India, Vietnam, etc. it’s just the front end of crud apps and not super hard to do. Web always has more jobs no matter what.

Meta has their rate and that’s it. You can’t counter for contractor roles. Plenty of people willing to take them to concert to full time later

I worked for a boring sort of stable company. Salary was so so, but profit sharing and benefits were quite amazing if you stayed for a while. You don’t need to be at meta or Google to make decent money at a company. Just find a decent place that rewards you long runs