I used to dream of startup life. I would watch documentaries, fantasize about unicorn valuations, listen to TWIST daily, learn everything I possibly could about VC and product development.

I’ve been working at a startup now for 2 years and some change and I can tell you, I was naive. Funny thing they don’t tell you about equity, it gets diluted every funding round that new shares are issued. Oh and also startup valuations are made up. They have no basis in reality and are merely a guess, and a very optimistic one at that. Also, it doesn’t matter if your technology is the best, the most innovative, scientifically proven solution on the market, if you don’t have revenue. And even if you manage to be part of a startup with decent ARR, your burn rate will probably be higher, because your company is spending somebody else’s money, so you won’t be profitable for a while.

The holy grail of acquisition keeps you going for a while, until of course a competitor with a worse technology gets acquired for scraps. And that 0.5% you own, actually 0.33% since you’ve been diluted, seems farther and farther away. And even if you are acquired, you may have made more money just taking a higher salary somewhere else, considering how long the acquisition took.

I’ve come full circle on this many times, something boosts morale back up, renewed sense of hope and pride, and again and again the burnout intensifies, the problems recur to the point you’re wondering if you’ll ever get your processes right. It doesn’t even become about the tech it turns into interpersonal problems, how teams communicate, decline in culture with risky new hires, and the soul diminishing feeling of scale, which was ironically the goal the whole time.

The benefit I can see from it is that I’ve been so exposed, and worn so many hats that I have a lot of experience for being so early in my career. And maybe I’m just at the wrong startup (most startups are the wrong startup), but I plan on only ever going after salary in my next roles. Equity and options of course are nice but only if the company is already proven, otherwise it is no different than gambling.

The market is tough right now, so switching jobs is going to be tough. I just can’t take the constant grind anymore, with no upside. There is no room to move up, little to no mentorship being one of the first engineers on the team. Also new hires have brought the culture way down, and the company is starting to do things I hate about corporations, like pizza party-esque type shit.

I was also promised opportunity for bonuses from the start, and have brought it up multiple times, and each time have been told they are working on a program, but they just don’t know how to measure productivity, or that they can’t come up with a way to implement bonuses. I was “promoted” to senior and offered a $2500 raise, I pushed back hard and ended up with a 13K raise, bringing me to 120k. I don’t even know if I would be considered senior somewhere else, it seems like just a way to keep me happy for a while longer.

The CEO is feature hungry, creates unbelievably complex systems doomed to be a buggy mess, constantly changing the app around beyond recognition, meanwhile revenue is stagnant. The solution is always a total redesign, the product team has no sense of collecting feedback merely asking customers “hey do you want this?” Even asking customers where in the app they would like to see said feature.

This is my non-glamorous view into the startup world. I’m burnt out, exhausted, and couldn’t possibly give a shit less about what I used to be fired up every day to do.

But I have an interview today, so maybe there’s hope.

TLDR: I hate my job and want a new one