Where to begin?

I don't care that you worked at Taco Bell.

A bullet point that rolls over into the second line is not a bullet point.

What is a "Junior project assistant" and why would I ever want to hire one when I'm employing project managers? If they need an assistant then I'll get a second project manager or fire them for being unable to manage the project without assistance.

It says you did some projects but then it just listed some technologies, not projects.

Oh you used excel to find patterns? Nothing that any guy off of the street couldn't do.

That's the answer pretty much no matter what, I mean have you even seen the picture?

Unless you're using a damn good coupon or eating on Whopper Wednesday or something, actual food from a restaurant will be just as cheap as the fast food (and far better). You can even have it delivered to your door for cheap; most food delivery services like Uber eats operate at a loss because for them gathering subscribers is more important than making money. They give away sooo many free delivery or buy one get one free coupons too.

I used to work two 12's on the weekend at a call center. Honestly it wasn't bad for a college job, and 24 hours of pay rather than the usual 16 hours for a weekend meant that we weren't subsisting on ramen.

After graduation I did 40 hours at a main job and 24 hours on the weekend. A year got me enough for a downpayment on a house. Then I quit the weekend job before it killed me. (And 64 hours a week WAS killing me.)

Little do they realize that most people can only be productive for 4 before they're overwhelmed and just doing busy work to run out the clock ...

My place is 5 days with 4 hours of work, 1 hour lunch, 4 hours of work. Add 30 minutes to commute there and back, and that's 10 hours a day, not all of them spent working but all of them used up and not open to me to use as I see fit.

I get up at 5:30am to walk the dog and get ready, and I get off of work at 4:30, back home at 5pm. Then I (usually) make dinner, and by the time we're done eating there's only ONE HOUR to spend with the kid before it's time to start the bedtime routine at 7, lights out at 8. It's exhausting.

Maybe people haven't seen it because a 17 year age gap is fairly creepy? Like, there's a difference between consenting adults (you do you) vs a movie studio making casting decisions (why are they deciding to portray this?).

The union should be the ones ensuring she gets fired, both for her none adherence to safety gear and for her conduct with the luggage.

Lots of people think the union's job is to protect your job... But that also means they have an interest in removing r re people who are going to happen themselves and the company.

Remove him from the front lines so he can stop fixing things! Let it all go to hell!

How is using a hand saw going to avoid any electrical wires? They still go in a good 6" or more into the frame.

There's a body standing up, squashed inside that wall...

Senior where the tech is not the product

I'm confused, why would it be any different for DevOps or SRE than it is for anyone else?

This is so good that it makes me want to throw my PC in the trash!

You used one for Piloliwrath? So that's why Niantic nerfed Scald! They were waiting on you to waste your TM!

Thankfully all mine did was evolve a Magicarp, leaving me with 2300 candies left over. (Having built gyarados for LL, GL, UL, and a 15-15-14 at level 40, I just hoard candies waiting to find a hundo.)

The bus?? What does bus stand for?

I believe this was one of many statues of human kings, which the orcs broke the heads off of or otherwise defaced them, especially the heads.

There's no need, but I wouldn't be upset if it happened. Assuming both versions were always available, of course.

The fact this camera zooms in is a real knocking the lamp moment!

Since I don't have sex dreams, the answer is now obvious: enlist their help in surviving from zombies, but these are the unkillable Reanimator kind so eventually we do get overwhelmed and at the last second- oh well, time for work.

Not hearing the word schwartz correctly does not mean that the force exists in that universe. He was only asking for clarification.

"I like this move" does not mean the movie is real life in that universe.

I love how telling it is that Catholicism and Protestantism are exactly the same except for one detail, so of course they just want to murder each other...

First to the urinal though!