What I meant was that you can look at a set of facts and take away whatever you want from them, especially statistics. For example, one person says rising personal debt is a sign of economic trouble, another says it’s a sign of economic doom

Pull that shit up Jaime

But we’re not talking about “at launch” are we?

I’m just pointing out that you’re posting nonsense about Diablo 4, presumably to shit on musk. I don’t care about musk, but I’m gonna point out bullshit about Diablo 4. Don’t project your skill issues onto the rest of us

Pull that shit up Jaime

I’m a hardcore Diablo 4 player, I don’t care about Elon, I just don’t want misinformation about Diablo going about. You’re just simply wrong. Just because you have skill issues doesn’t mean everyone else does. You can indeed max out your player level rather quickly if you know what you’re doing. I’ve done it in less than 24 hours.

Pull that shit up Jaime

If you’re an experienced Diablo player, min max everything, and take the efficient path(not do the campaign, hit the right dungeons, etc.), you can easily hit max level in 30 hours.

Its main menu is one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen. Overall I’ve probably watched it for hours

I emailed my manager that I need two weeks off starting October 21st. Even drugs don’t make me this dysfunctional

He cites his source in the video if you bothered watching it. If you can’t Google the report he’s citing, you’re not here to educate yourself, you just want to knee jerk prove me wrong.

:libright:- Lib-Right

Yea but the first roadster was not a mass produced car. It was the frame of some McLaren. It was just a mod. That’s exactly what seed stage is, just some shitty proof of concept. The real work is designing a car and build the factories from the ground up. What I said still applies. In the two startups I worked at (software) what we had was some shit software that barely worked, once the new guys came on as cofounders, they’d revamp the whole company and actually make it a proper company with proper product, processes, etc. at least for those, those late confounders did all the critical work of making a real company and actually get us to series A at multimillion valuations

An age old phenomenon, you can find evidence for whatever you want in the statistics, real or not

I keep telling people this, Economics as a science has advanced a lot and they’ve really figured out how to fight recessions. Well, Milton Friedman figured it out in the 70s but it took a few decades of testing things out to realize he was right(remember when Bernanke said “sorry Milton, you were right and we were wrong”) . Regardless, we’ll likely never see a GFC meltdown ever again. People think economics as a science is still bad things because the only exposure to it they get is only from economists who speak to the press, and those economists are all ideologically driven political players. The real economists actually pushing the science rarely speak to the press. Same with fund managers. They always have an agenda, I.e. fund managers fear mongering so people invest in their funds for safety.

I went all in TQQQ at the bottom of the Covid crash and cashed out in early ‘22 when I realized this crash is gonna be big, got back in at the bottom of ‘22 crash. Retired for a year but went back to work because I was going crazy and depressed not doing anything. But good thing is you can take a super chill, lower paying job you actually want to go to and can quit whenever you like, or start your own business.

Vacation doesn’t fix burnout. You just dread coming back the whole time. “Just take a vacation” is in general very bad advice for people who are burned out or having work issues.

:libright:- Lib-Right

Early investors who come on and run seed stage companies that have no product yet are regularly called cofounders, it has happened to like two seed stage startups I’ve worked at. It’s fairly standard. Getting a company up and running involves a lot of bullshit, so I’ve seen a lot of people just invest in an existing one and come on as an executive. Saves them like a year of bullshit work setting up things like HR, payroll, registration, etc.

I posted a video going through the whole time line that started with the chicken tax. Cato institute researched and laid all of this out 20 years ago

I the big thing is that there’s no corrective action. Nobody knows the full consequences of their actions, but companies and people correct them as they come up. Government is a whole different story. Any corrective action can be demonized and used by political opposition so no one bothers fixing shit, and people are not smart enough to connect regulations to problems they’re causing so no one’s demanding change in the right places.

Ever heard of torque? You know, that thing big heavy cars, trucks and haulers need the most

At least see the video I posted before you talk about shit you don’t understand.

The story of how we got here is complex, I don’t think one single article covers it, but there’s this funny video that goes over the entire situation and is pretty accurate: https://youtu.be/HMJsM--jmRA

No, I’m so tired of this baseless argument of “xyz lobby” performing magic tricks and causing all of worlds problems. The emissions regulations were misguided and poorly thought out, and in fact if you did a proper research instead of knee jerk “it’s the lobby and profit margins” you’d know automotive companies were very much against these regulations. The idea that large vehicle magically creates larger profit margins makes no sense to begin with either

Automakers can’t make them anymore because of emission regulations. That’s literally the source of giant car problems. They can’t put a decent engine in a normal sized car, so they have to make the car bigger because it increases emissions allowance.

:libright:- Lib-Right

Figuring out how to send a signal through a wire is a far different achievement than building the World Wide Web infrastructure. I’m so tired of “but ackthually so and so was invented by such guy” trope that I see on all fields. Most of these inventions were just some shit some dude came about and subsequently put on a shelve and forgot about, the major work of turning it into a massive global machine is the truly impressive work. Making Saturn IV or a 737, the engineering, the support, the funding, the logistics, etc. was far more important and impressive, let alone difficult task than making a motorized kite fly for 10 seconds