Hi, I recently finished 2nd grade as a cs student and so far, I didn't really work on any side projects except some arcade game clones. I feel kinda lost. I'm on summer break and i want to learn some stuff but I don't even know where to start. There are just too many fields and without going deep into them, reading a 3 sentence description of what backend is doesn't really spark anything in me. Nothing seems interesting maybe except gamedev since i enjoyed what i worked on so far (games look fun, duh) lol. But I'm not sure I want to work on that industry (Most game dev companies here develop hyper casual mobile games) I'm thinking maybe i should just go webdev but I want to do something more "interesting" and "engineer-y" in the future (this is probably a dumb sentence/opinion i know)

As a note, my grades are fine, and i like what I'm learning in school. I like programming and theoretical computer science, it's just i feel lost and overwhelmed, I still want to continue this career.