It’s got some good ideas, like shrinking the government and deporting illegal aliens, but I don’t agree with all of it. I’m not sure they could get it all done anyway, but I think they’ll start with some of the more important things that I totally agree with.

Not really. Have you heard any of his policies? You know, the ones that are for the betterment of the people? (fuck you Commiefornia) Didn’t you notice how 2019 was an economic golden year? Didn’t you notice how our current president is completely unfit for office? Falling off a bike, can’t complete any sentences, distracted by ice cream, touching children, you name it. Democratic policies like the rewrite of title IX are so destructive, their “inclusivity” has succeeded in including a small group of people, while in the future excluding half the population from sports and safe bathrooms.

Go ahead, downvote me, but you know who’s right


Very unlikely. Note: I didn’t downvote you :)


That is the guy before the guy before this guy’s balls ^

You could get an X w/ out PCIE5 if it’s on sale or something, but for that budget I would get a B650. Also just checked and actually B650e and X670e MB’s both have PCIE5, I guess it’s the “e” distinction that tells you whether it has it or not. If you want I can check out your pcpp list. I’m no expert, but 2 opinions > 1

How could you not see those spots in ~1.5 seconds? You sound like you need glasses.

Senior (12th)

To the downvoter, funny like a comedian, as in good jokes, not funny looking, an insult. Reading the message before hating helps

Well yes, but that’s literally the only two spots left and they’re obvious by themselves

Senior (12th)

This is amazing progress. To combine a new diet with new programming with better grades, it’s incredible. Yes, your coach is right that weight training will be useful. It can burn away a lot of fat and turn some of that into muscle, so you might not lose weight as quickly, but you’ll be losing the fat quicker, which is actually what you don’t want

What StraightUpSavage said, but also better VRM’s which keep the mobo cooler. Some also have PCIE 5, which high end SSD’s can use but currently no GPU’s. But when you’re spending this much and not wanting to upgrade, that’s one extra feature you can pack onto the build. But like I said, it’s not really necessary

Personally, I would’ve gotten a cheaper AIO and gone with a x670 mobo, but that’s unnecessary min maxing. Don’t sweat it, the build’s awesome as is, enjoy it!

This is greater than the pain of a 3 inch hangnail or falling on legos

You can actually edit messages btw

Reality has proved me wrong, twice. Twice, asked a girl out, I didn’t think it was possible either would say no. But here I am having never been on a date. I stopped trying because A it’s pointless, B those are the only two people I could possibly even ask on a date. No, I don’t meet new people, but in a town of 35k there’s no events to go to and meet people my age. I’m also homeschooled, so I there’s literally no one to meet at school.

Found the prius in the left lane pulling 20mph

9 3900x || 1060 6GB || 16 GB 3200 MT/s CL32

Please downvote this bastard already

9 3900x || 1060 6GB || 16 GB 3200 MT/s CL32

You did not fail, redmaine is the failure. Don’t assume everyone who calls you out has any idea what they’re talking about