Idk that I'd call it a "technique". I'd lay flat (no pillow)in a dark room on a mat (or on my bed) with just a neck roll. Close eyes and look at the back of eyelids. Imagine there are no boundaries on my body. Begin to feel like a flat expanse of water like the sight of a watery mirage. Colors will eventually come and go behind your eyelids and forehead 3rd eye area. After multiple times doing this and just being aware of awareness, your body will begin to disappear and your head will feel like a boulder of awareness.

I didn't know it at the time, but that probably is an excellent time to think about your desires. You won't care very much. Just feels like a pleasant pastime. I didn't realize I was having any kind of effect on anything 3D, until I began to notice the world conforming to my wishes. I experienced a few instant materializations. Like forming right before my eyes.

Unfortunately this was mid 1990s. At that time the literature was mostly from India re P. Yogananda, Deepak Chopra, Saitha Sai Baba, etc. They warned this was not good. The manifestations or materializations are called Siddhis, and the initiate is warned to not become attached or hypnotized by them or you'd stray from the true path. Desire (being bad, or immature) one was instead to seek illumination. Not play with "toys" and become sidetracked. I gave up manifestation just as soon as I was getting dependable results. People have a better idea nowadays what's good and what's not.

Hope this adds to your knowledge. The lecture Neville gives about going out into "the deep" to cast your net...refers to this I believe.

We all have time to read your stories.

That's interesting. Do you always accept what's given to you? Reject this and revise it to a name that suits your imagination. 🌞

Look at your username. It ALL is a reflection of YOU.

I am so sorry you are faced with this challenge, especially when being new to the idea of other planes of existence, being God in your own life, creating alternate circumstances, etc. My prayers are with you.

If it was me dealing with your circumstances, I would begin a meditation practice with the intention of understanding what the purpose of this experience is. To release your ideas of death being bad, or that your son is "gone". It's quite possible..likely even that your son will begin reaching out to you in dreams, once you've relaxed your resistance. Probably let you know he's well and always there. If you truly want to leave this plane to be in his, you can do that through prayer. Nothing more. No actions needed. Therapists don't generally subscribe to any of this, so maybe keep mum. In the meantime I always find great comfort hearing and reading about NDE. We will all be together again very soon. No need to worry about that. ❤️ Neville tells a few stories about young people dying. I believe time of death is an appointment we set before coming to this world. Personally, I wouldn't interfere once someone has transitioned to the next. Communication between worlds happens everyday tho. I wish you relief from your pain and will do SATS for you.

People survived by food bombs for thousands of years. Hunt. Eat. Repeat. Supplemented by some stored dry goods, seeds, eggs, etc. Starvation always right around the corner. We're not meant to be constantly digesting food. Especially Frankenfood.

Forget about the face. When you do this and succeed, you'll have a sudden realization that it's only YOU doing this. No place else it could come from.

Interesting! That could be a magazine article. So many experiences of a lost era like you said. Initially I thought the picture was Times Square in the 60s or 70s. Now everything is all fakey Disneyland and corporate cleansing.

I vote don't share. People have endless curiosity and it's just a diversion from the essence of your experience. Mandela was probably doing the same as you. Even Trump will likely never see a day of jail time due to his total belief in himself. I congratulate you!

Been in the same situation for a long time, Do ok for long stretches of time yet consumed with fear at other times. It's complicated and I've never seen it discussed here.


Denamichele ..I have been waiting for someone to tell my story and you just did. Thank you. You really explained it well in just a few words.

Every part of this is a great post!

Oh you sidetracked after a few years. Fell into the Abraham Hicks rabbit hole. Went off all forms of spirituality for a while. Rediscovered Neville in 2019 and this whole generation of kids making a business out of manifestation. I really admire the attention given to Neville's words and the success stories are riveting. Definitely an evolution of consciousness happening. Back in the day there were few books and fewer people entertaining the idea one had any effect on reality. To say you did, there was risk of being locked up

This post is SERIOUSLY underrated. I stumbled on a YT/IG channel by Kriston Jackson that also drives this idea home. When I fully internalized how simple reality is, I kind of experienced an internal shattering of all my ideas and beliefs about how "hard" life is. In fact I'd read your post but it didn't sink in. Thankfully I had saved it. Many thanks!

Beach towel. Sand, dried kelp, suntan lotion, salt water, sweat, youth. I never washed mine.

Yes. Glad you mentioned diet. Dairy, sugar, yeasts in bread, pizza dough, beer, etc. Fungus love it. Vicks Vapo-rub helps little flares.

It can work if it's been 30 years. I had an old bf reach out to me after telling someone all about him one night. I was filled with a loving feeling about the memory of being with him for 2 days in Paris in 1992. After not even thinking about him for decades, I told a friend every little detail of what a lovely man he was.

The next morning there was a FB message from him. I nearly fainted. We are all connected.

I agree. This is seriously underrated. I been reading this 2-3x a day and continue to uncover hidden treasure in the text and the commentary.

I agree. This is seriously underrated. I been reading this 2-3x a day and continue to uncover hidden treasure in the text and the commentary.