Me and my partner have been together for 2 years. Yes, in the beginning of the relationship he was hot and cold but I at that point didn’t know about the law at all, but had realised I focus too much on the relationship and him so I started to focus on myself instead and the situation changed quickly and he became very committed and loving. So, he is very affectionate and everything I want in a partner but one thing I really wanted was that he would get me flowers and surprise me. I know sounds stupid but I wanted that, he did get me flowers but only on special occasions not randomly.

So recently I came across robotic affirmations and thought why the f not I give it a try, it doesn’t change much even if does get me flowers or he doesn’t I still kept buying flowers for myself. 4 days into these affirmations I would get these visuals while affirming that his got me flowers, I forgot about it after affirming. But two days ago I started to do my affirmations and I stopped because my inner voice told me you don’t need to his getting you flowers today. I get a text from him he wants to meet he just had tough day and wanted to be with me I said yeah let’s meet. I went to see him, and guess what my man has a big a*s bouquet of flowers for me haha omg 2 years I was begging him to get me flowers and stopped it 6 months ago.

4 days of affirming and out of the blue this man gets me my flowers. He said to me when he saw me so happy, that don’t know he had this urge to get me flowers today he just couldn’t resist and he even said how he loved doing that.

I know it might not be a big win for many but for me it’s huge, I mostly did it to prove myself first if this has any credibility and boy it does. I tried affirmations for my skin, hair, looks and they worked wonders but I wrote them off thinking that’s just probably my self care routine. But no, the affirmations are magical. Well here I go about manifesting more in my life.