Hi would love some advice on my situation. i feel very unbalanced and quite anxious. 3 1/2 years ago i wrote a list about my husband. I was ready to meet the love of my life already, and i was rejecting everything that didn’t align with what i wanted in a relationship. (as a way to let the universe know what i want and not settling for less). fast forward a couple months i meet a guy, an absolute dream, treats me the way i want, values me , basically everything i wrote on the list to the T. he asked me to be his girlfriend i said yes, my first boyfriend and everything i wrote in my husband list. i was like this is it i found the one, a year goes by everything is amazing, till unexpectedly we couldn’t communicate anymore because his parents were strict and he wasn’t focusing on his university work. he’d check on me from time to time until it just stopped. and we couldn’t talk for 8 months straight. i tried everything to reach him, i was in a bad mental space. but when i gave up and deleted everything he texts me that same day. but he was different.. he was a different personality.. everything i feared. non committal… prideful.. just everything i steered away from & rejected from the universe. i started manifesting him and he’d come back being all lovey one minute and then ignoring me. which he never did. so it was hot and cold and it’s just a cycle. now idk if i should try to manifest his old version back or should i write and new list because he doesn’t match my vibration? thing is i fear that i actually manifested my husband but turned him into what i feared due to self sabotage and not healing my neediness. i would greatly appreciate any advice thank you