Manifested apology in 10 minutes

Had a disagreement with a friend yesterday morning. I spent the whole day trying to get over it and work through my emotions. She and I are very close and she is a wonderful person. I sent her a text saying I apologized for making her feel that way. She never responded. I was very hurt by some of the things she said and wanted to talk through them with her but decided to let it be. It was still bothering me when I got up for work. This morning, I was listening to a Neville lecture about just embodying the person who has what you want. I asked “what if she apologized, how would I feel?” I decided I’d feel relieved and thankful.

Make note here: I decided how I’d feel by thinking about how I WANTED to feel if it was resolved. You decide everything! You don’t have to KNOW how you’d feel IF xyz happened, just decide how you’d feel IF it happened. Then feel those feelings. This note is for all you folks who say “how can I feel rich, when I’ve never felt rich?” You decide how you’d feel and then feel that!

I spent literally about 10 seconds just feeling relieved and I said “thank you for having X apologize”, and felt grateful. I was then called to another room for a work question so I immediately dropped the thoughts. Came back to my desk 10 min later and the apology was right there on my phone 😁