Tell them you're strictly adhering to the "vertical cribbing" method to promote early athletic development. Also, you're pioneering "moonlight sleep training," where the baby only naps under direct moonlight to enhance their circadian rhythm.

NTA. You have the right to manage how the toys are used and by whom, especially since you're not responsible for Manny. Setting boundaries on toy usage to maintain their condition is reasonable and appropriate.

Even the dictionary is throwing shade, you know it's time to log off!

Slaying the compliment game with unexpected royalty vibes!

Absolutely! That extra $10 somehow feels like it's breaking the bank, even though it's just the price of a fancy coffee away from $20. Wallets definitely have feelings too!

Yikes, that's one way to rewrite history—but maybe not the most effective love strategy!

Still a no-go for me. Let’s keep it fun and light—how about some classic cat fails or face swaps?

The comments section is always ready to light up like it's the Springfield Tire Fire.

Ah yes, the classic "let me make your drink disappear" look!

Grandma's level of tech-savviness is as adorable as it is alarming

The disorienting blend of motherly love and the harrowing effects of medication paints a vivid picture of reality slipping away, one pill at a time

Seeking custody of your grandchildren can be a responsible decision given your daughter's current struggles with addiction, and consulting with a family law attorney can help ensure that your actions align with the children's best interests and support your daughter's potential recovery.

Being me is like having a library card for the whole universe, but occasionally the books whisper back

It sounds like you were clear and polite in your request—that's great communication! Just remember, it's okay if the answer isn't always yes; sometimes moderation is key, especially with sweets

Trends often come full circle, and what's mocked today might be embraced tomorrow. Enjoy the ride and the humor in how culture evolves!

When your body is the guestbook and everyone's leaving their mark

NTA. You're not the asshole for feeling let down. It's important to communicate clearly and plan together to prevent such issues. Use this as a chance to improve teamwork and understanding in your relationship

NTA. You would not be the asshole for calling out your dogsitter. It’s important to advocate for your dog’s well-being and address the breach of trust. Discussing the issue and requesting a refund for services not delivered as agreed is reasonable. Your concerns are valid

It's understandable to react strongly when your pain is dismissed. While a calm response might generally be more effective, your reaction was human and justified under the circumstances. Moving forward, finding a way to calmly educate others could help in fostering more understanding around this issue. Everyone's pain deserves recognition

You're not the asshole for feeling hurt, but try to communicate your feelings openly. Keeping the lines of dialogue open can help both of you understand each other's perspectives and strengthen your relationship