I moved out of my family's house 8 years ago. I've been supporting myself and helping my mom with her car insurance payment every year and occasionally sending her money whenever I can. True be told, she does help me with some money every now and then as well. On my vacations, instead of using the money (when there's enough) to travel somewhere nice, I always go to her house so I can spend time with her and my family. I always say I'll stay for just a week but end up staying longer than that. In this 8 years, she visited me a total of 5 times and mostly because she can get medical appointments here through her insurance which was the case this time. She came on Sunday, we went to her appointments on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. From her appointment on Wednesday we went straight to the hospital so I could get admitted for a small surgery that I had scheduled . I got released that very same day by evening, we came home and she was scheduled to leave on Friday. On Thursday, I asked her to stay one more day (I wasn't in a lot of pain, but it was uncomfortable and weird since I never had any kind of surgery before). She said she couldn't because she had left her dogs with my uncle and he had hurts his feet. I asked her again on Friday and She gave me the same response, saying the she needed to pick up her dogs because she was already left them with my uncle for too long (mind you, my uncle and aunt love those dogs). So I bought her a gelato (cause the last time she came here, she loved it, as there's no place she can have those in her city) and we went to the bus station. I barely said a word to her during our way there, didn't really hug he goodbye and left cause her bus was already there. I cried the whole way back home. She message yesterday, saying that she knew I was angry but that it was just 'incomprehensible' and that she wouldn't say anything and we would talk when I wanted. She sent some voice memos about random stuff, but I didn't answer. She sent me a voice memo again today saying that if I can hold a grudge, so can she. She's also asking for my help with a loan she wants to make, cause those things are done online now and she doesn't know how to do it. I still didn't answer her. I feel like is really petty of me but I felt really hurt when I asked for just one more day with her and she refused because of her dogs, when I'm the one always sacrificing possible fun vacations to go be with her and always stay longer when she asks. Am I the asshole here?

UPTADE: She messaged me again today, saying that she asked me to help her with the loan and that I ignored her. I took on what some of you said to me and sent her a long text explaining to that I'm really hurt and that I can't just talk to her as if nothing happened, that it felt shitty when I asked her to stay and she gave me that response and that I'm taking my meds and I'm fine but I just can't talk to her right now. She sent two voice memos, saying that I had every right to be upset but that I'm failing to see her side. That she didn't go back because of the dogs but because my uncle got injured and that she felt sad leaving me. But there's something she said that made me even more upset cause is something she always says when she wants me to cave in "It's okay, I won't say anything". Whenever we have a disagreement and she wants me to say that I'm wrong, she uses that phrase, it's like her way of saying "do whatever you want". She also said that I shouldn't expect any messages from her and that whenever I want to talk, I can cause she's not gonna stop being my mom and will always be here for me. I haven't reply and don't think I will. I feel like the best thing right now is to put some space between us and focus on my recovery as I still have exams, medical appointments and another small surgery ahead. I thank you all for the advices. Telling her everything didn't actually make me feel any better but it gave me a sense of what to do from here on. I hope you all have a great day!