Im F(18) I’ve hooked up with three different guys but I’ve only been penetrated vaginally once and it was for maybe 15-20 seconds (long story lol) for as long as I can remember I always had a high libido even when I was really young I would randomly envision sexual encounters, to this day I still fantasize about sex and kissing and all that with both genders sometimes even in a threesome. The first time I kissed a guy I couldn’t feel anything in fact I’m disgusted and then it happened again and again and again and again and i was so confused why I kept feeling so gross I used to masturbate only once or twice a month, now it’s once a week every Sunday (ironic) and I’m so confused about my sexuality … but I’ve never been with a woman sexually and I’ve never even kissed a girl, aside from this I am reluctant to affection. Kisses hugs etc. everytime I see something about asexuality it’s always, “no sexual attraction” but for me it’s TOO MUCH but when I’m in the actual moment of intimacy I can’t help but feel awkward and gross… I think for now all I can do it wait until I’m with a girl in that way… but if I react the same, would it still count as asexual? Because of my high libido that only seems to appear when I’m alone