When I was 13 my class was in line waiting for our teacher to get there when a kid I had barely ever spoken to came up to me. He pointed at one of my classmates and asked “Is that your boyfriend?” obviously joking. All the kids giggled as I stuttered and said no. He then came closer and asked me if I could speak. I again stuttered because like what the fuck is even happening. Finally, he pins me to the wall in front of everyone, and asks “Are you autistic?” and asks me if i’m an r slur. At that point everyone is laughing and none of my friends stepped in. I was tearing up and stuttering because this 5’10 boy was towering over me and not allowing me to move. Over the course of that school year he developed a crush on me and would touch my hands, grab my waist, offer to take me to class, etc. It was all so terrible. Does anyone have similar experiences?