I did like the Jar Jar character back then, and even more now after I found out about the theories surrounding him!

Also, Dual of Fates is so epic! We did the piece with our entire high school, orchestra and singing!

I second this! The owner is very nice and knowledgeable! They also have a physiotherapist coming to the shop for customer on a regular basis which is amazing!


Second that! And they’re plant-based!

They often have a pecan roll with pecan ice-cream on top, so delicious!


En je kunt me daar vast een bronnetje van geven. (van de voornaam, achternaam informatie, dat Comic MS font ben ik niet zo in geïnteresseerd)


Nederland, woonachtig in Brussel.

Mag niet? Is dat een wet? Ik heb alleen het volgende erover teruggevonden.


Why not just “voornaam, achternaam”? This makes it (almost) impossible to make a mistake.

I dunno, I had some really funky natural anaerobic beans last year that tasted so much like apple pie that it got old very fast.

Sometimes they are so gimmicky that the overal taste almost flattens and it looses its complexity.


Ignorance and lies makes them sleep better at night


The reason people became outraged against dog meat in China is because videos were going viral of the Yulin festval where dogs were abused in public. So where is this outrage for the footage of the slaughterhouses in the west? The abuse on farms? Where’s the steak emojis that we all know so well?

I think it’s counter productive to advocate against dog slaughter in Yulin because we won’t reach the people in China. They have a different social media altogether. The only people that we’ll reach are people in western countries that are or already vegan, or don’t want to be vegan but just want to be angry at Chinese people for how awful they supposedly are.

Let Asian vegans advocate for the plight of the dogs and other animals in their respective countries (because most Asians don’t eat dogs and don’t agree with the practice) so we can focus on effective activism in our own countries.


Of course vegans are against eating dogs. We’re against exploitation and slaughtering of any animal.

But the problem that I have with people specifically bringing up how horrific it is that in China and Korea and other countries dogs are exploited and killed is that 9 out of 10 times this has nothing to do with the eating of sentient animals. The same people eat pigs and cows and chickens and fishes. They don’t like that people that don’t look like them, don’t act like them or don’t sound like them, eat an animal that they themselves happen to like as a companion. But all the other animals are fair game.

This is called xenophobia and it’s disgusting.

My partners parents are Chinese but live in France and when her and her mother are seen with their dog, people ask them if they are rearing the dog for food.

Let’s not focus on the splinter in someone else’s eye while ignoring the wooden beam in our own.

Edit: added the last sentence.

Fizheuer Zieheuer by Ricardo Villalobos is 37:09 and I definitely revisit this album regularly.

Another song I frequent is Leng Tch'e by Naked City. It is 32:37 long.

It looks like it’s not only a top but also a bottom

Feetglove implies that it’s one glove for multiple feet so I’d go with feetgloves. On the other hand (pun not intended) handschoenen aren’t handenschoenen so maybe it should be footgloves after all.

That’s not a very clear and concise comment. Why should I read Nietzsche and what by Nietzsche should I read?

I do always like book recommendations!

I would need some serious convincing. But I’m not ruling it out.

If we’re going there I would also like to suggest changing shoes to footgloves

Horse, because I can split myself in half when the climb gets too steep and I can take my head off when it’s in the way.

Note to self: when I outrun my abusive owner, I shouldn’t hide out in his local pub near the crag.