We'll see them painted in the next edition lol

Box of rubrics and/or exalted sorcerers first, they're the coee of the army

DG are auras of making your opponent shitty

WE are melee times 2k pts

TS are the shadows wizard money gang, we love casting spells

It's all about layers: that statement's initial evaluation of veracity assumes it to be true. Evaluating that says that it's a lie. At that point, either the statement is true and it's a lie or it is false, and therefore a lie. You don't evaluate it again, because you already went beyond that point.

"The cat is black" --> you don't recheck wheter that cat is black after reading it once.

It's like taxes, you don't pay taxes on taxes, unless you're in Québec. It really sucks.

Chadtopian Citizen

Good bot

Chadtopian Citizen

Best we can do are the neckbeards and nice guys that'll dm you now that you've revealed you like guys

Edit: likely a bot, downvoted

Spunds like something regular germany would do

Could you clarify the hit roll precision thing?

When reading precision, it specifies "when a model successfully wounds", there is nothing about hit rolls. You might've mixed it with sustained or lethal

Here in EE, it's 50% ±100%, giving us the opportunity to go 150% and see throught dimensions on caffeine highs, while also -50% and blow shit up gigling

The difference is the promoted women are choosing themselves to dress that way, where an artwork could be implied that someone just wants to use sexy imagery to sell/"appealing to the male fantasy".

At least that's how I'm trying to rationalize it, pbly more of a "we want to promote women" paired with women on the internet using their looks often to sell, while the image they want to promote in game isn't sexualised

Altho they missed an opportunity to have the alternate art be a catgirl

I was more thinking we were on a different level of the spectrum, but that works too

Tig ol biddies are still there, covered by armor

Wait until you learn of johny space, maker of the space marines