So he took it to that abusive level just over being wrong about a portion of food ? I would run

So you “offered “ to cook as your wedding gift but it has to be absolutely only on your terms ? What’s the point of a gift for THIER wedding if you know it’s something they both can’t or wont enjoy ? Sounds like you really didn’t discuss what you were going to cook you just decided and if they didn’t like it in its entirety you threw a fit . Either it’s a gift to show them love or it’s for your own personal gratification.

She could very well be happy that you got that time and experience with your sister and still be disappointed or sad it was on her birthday. She can be sad and you not be the AH . She can also be sad about it and express that have it be about an experience including your sister and also not be the AH . She will be ok just don’t let it bother you it’s just something that upset her in the moment.

If you’re talking to a girl pay more attention to her facial expressions not the words she is saying , her face will usually give her feeling away .

So your gf only hates your ex because she’s your ex ? Be thankful she’s gone that attitude only gets worse and you will have to constantly live on eggshells waiting for her next tantrum .

Got into a fight with my husband because his father won’t do what he has to to take care of his 16 year old dog such as bathing him in medicated shampoo 3 times a week but only does it once a month , won’t take care of him but won’t let him go . He is going out of his way to not keep him healthy while he’s clearing uncomfortable and struggling but because he will be sad if he dies won’t put him down .

It’s been one day , settle down she could be busy or not someone who is glued to her phone .

My 50 year old husband calls milk milky I don’t care who he’s talking to he says milky . If I’m going to the store and he needs it he says “ hey love can you grab me some milky “? 🙄🙄

It’s called Amaxophobia I have it too . The thought of it gives me so much anxiety then I have a panic attack.

We can’t make out unless we’re prepared for sex . It always leads to sex .. massages too they can’t happen unless sex is the goal .

Well how far would your wife get before you stepped in if she walked into your mothers house with same behavior? Would you be content if your wife treated your mother that way?

I wouldn’t do anything till you are on a consistent journey of healing .

I hate this I usually say “no obviously not I don’t ask questions I already know the answers to “. Or “ so what you’re saying is I should go ask someone who does “.