For context, I just turned sixteen today, and my dad was talking about how he’s gonna teach me the ropes on how to drive, which I’m glad he wants to, and I’m thankful to him for that, but the thing is even getting on a lawn mower scares me.

Quite literally just thinking about driving makes me feel nauseous. There’s way too many things going on at once and too many possibilities that could happen, the engine scares me especially. I don’t know what it is but just feeling it shake the vehicle makes it so much worse. Like it’s reminding me what I’m doing. But there’s also the fact you have to keep your eyes on the road and that doesn’t even guarantee your safety because someone else might be a terrible driver. And on top of that highways scare the living hell out of me. Going onto a large road in a fast moving piece of metal with other large pieces of metal.

I genuinely don’t know if it’s safe for me to go on the road if I’m this paranoid about it because I know for sure almost millions of people drive without this much concern for their lives while doing so.