They never do specify. Unfortunately, like a lot of anime, it's likely that some authors keep this deliberately unspoken to weave some intrigue, similar to Aizen's bankai in Bleach or Dragon's powers in One Piece (maybe we'll see it, maybe it doesn't exist, but the intrigue is key).

I have my own fun headcanon though, so read on only if you're interested in my own thoughts of what could be made of this.

In my own headcanon, similar to how we see One Piece manifest regular and mythical fruits representing mythical animals or figures, like Sengoku, Hashirama could have a mythical sage mode, taking the form of the Buddha.

The boddhisatva that he manifests for his Shinsusenju not only adds to the theme of a Mythical Buddha Sage Mode, but it also represents why Hashirama's sage mode is so strong.

While all animal sage modes involve the absorption of natural energy with stillness and oneness with nature, the Buddha as a figure represents the pinnacle of this, becoming so still and at one with nature that he became one with the very tree he meditated under (also a good connection to Hashirama's own Wood Style).

In my perspective, the sage modes and their levels represent the gradual freeing of one from earthly attachments on a symbolic level and thereby a granting of greater power from the natural world

  • Level 1: Snake and Toad Sage Modes represent the base level of sage mode, involving a general assimilation of nature within oneself, but requiring stillness and forced focus for a prolonged time to gather energy.
  • Level 2: Hashirama's Sage Mode (Buddha/boddisatva symbolism) represents a further awakening where the user is already at one with nature without need of stillness. Hashirama instantly activated this mode multiple times which gives credence to the idea that a spiritual awakening to be able to integrate with nature seamlessly was the key of this sage mode.
  • Level 3: Six Paths Sage Mode. The Six Paths in Buddhist cosmology are six worlds that represent a cycle of reincarnation within the world, forever seeking enlightenment beyond the six realms. Despite the name being Six Path Sage Mode, I believe this mode symbolically actually means the user ascended beyond the Six Paths, achieving this "enlightenment". Many points of Naruto's power within this mode also give it credence, e.g. the ability to comprehend the nature of all chakra and instant grasp over all techniques, essentially a universal consciousness aligning with many schools of Buddhist thought.

TL;DR Hashirama's sage mode wasn't ever given a name to sow intrigue, as seen in other series as well. My own fun headcanon is he has a "level 2" mythical sage mode, above Frog and Snake Sage Modes but below Six Paths Sage Mode. With the symbolism of the Buddha, I see the three stages of sage mode being 1. (animal sage) at nature through practice and stillness 2. (hashirama sage) constantly at one with nature and 3. (six paths sage) Constantly at one with the universe.

I always got confused with this title because I'm also assuming the public still was aware of Blast even if only a minority had truly seen him.

Isn't Tatsumaki's public hero ranking S-class rank 2?

So do the public think the #1 is King?

Name one technique in their arsenal or an example of any one of them using an attack that could come at all close to putting Edo Madara down.

It would be justified. To me, though, this is why Naruto is so good as a character. He's had those sad moments, he's cried alone in his apartment about how he was treated.

And when grown ass adult villagers bully a young child on the pathetic excuse that they simply believe him holding Kurama meant he was a demon is despicable.

But this is what makes Naruto only greater. Becoming the villain would affirm their beliefs, he would be the demon they always imagined him to be.

Instead, he became a force for good, training constantly to gain their approval, becoming stronger for the sake of others, and eventually saving the village and shinobi world multiple times.

When I was younger, sure I totally believed Naruto should've taken his revenge. But, over time, I've really seen Naruto's actions age like fine wine to me. After all, Naruto doesn't need to harm them at all, they made themselves the monsters for mistreating him and he also made them the clowns once they realized as he became the hero of the Leaf that all they did was bully their future hero.

I'd argue they already did it to a certain level, with Saitama essentially returning to a parallel universe following his battle with Garou.

Saitama negated that reality and returned with the "original Genos"'s core whose memories were completely absorbed by the alternate Genos from just before the fight. So in a continuity sense, Genos is still our Genos with all his memories. But definitely a parallel reality.

I do still have faith that Murata won't go crazy like the MCU to just degrade every story with the crutch of scrapping the universe and moving onto another one.

Absolutely not. I never understand those people that think that just because the newer Kage were pressing a non-fused Momoshiki and tagging Kinshiki that the virtue of them simply being Otsutsuki's gives them free valor as "stronger than Kaguya." It literally boggles my mind that people accept that as truth despite the verses' own rules of power and even their own feats completely go against that point.

While this group of Kage is younger so will lack some weaknesses of the previous Kage (e.g. A's missing arm, Ohnoki's fragile back), they have none of the monstrous traits their predecessors had that made them so strong.


  • The Boruto Kage are strong no doubt, but they all are exemplifications of technique and skill development, while lacking much of the raw power of their predecessors.
  • Ay's power alone, as a shinobi with Tailed Beast levels of chakra and Yellow Flash level speed, wasn't getting any true finishing shots on a Madara that was playing around. A Darui with only his sword, Storm Release, and Black Lightning that have never power like the Third and Fourth Raikage, will not touch Madara.
  • Mei's power in the Five Kage was as the distance fighter, something that only Gaara embodied in the Boruto era. While Chojuro has greater skills than her in the short range department, his skills don't mesh well with the boruto era Kage like Mei's did to aid the other Kage in positioning attacks on Madara.
  • Kurotsuchi is more nimble than Ohnoki but, just like with Darui, she doesn't have nearly the power that Ohnoki did using his Weighted Boulder Jutsu to augment his punches and Dust Release to obliterate his target to atoms. What's more Ohnoki was the most experienced of the previous generation and Madara noted the difference it made in dealing with the power gap. Kurotsuchi can't possibly bridge that same gap.
  • Gaara in Boruto is obviously improved from Naruto's Gaara, however this is mostly in technique. He didn't achieve massive growth in power, only in rounding out his skills. A battle with a Madara with decades of combat experience in the harshest battlefields would still barely change with this new Gaara.

All in all, outside of Boruto Otsutsuki scaling wankers, most people with logic see that Boruto's Kage are very balanced in their skills and show a lot of improvement in technique and skill that came with learning from the past.

However, they lack the monstrous raw power of their predecessors and, in all cases, except Gaara, the Boruto Kage have far less actual experience, considering the Naruto Kage were on average older and had utilized their skills repetitively in multiple shinobi wars unlike the newer gen that only experienced the Fourth war.

I'd daresay the battle won't even go as far as it did with the original Five Kage, since Ohnoki's Dust Release, Tsunade's strength, the combo of Ohnoki and Ay's nintaijutsu, and the Five Kage's full synergistic combo on Madara were the only things that pushed him to use the Perfect Susanoo out of some respect for them, feats of individual and team power I've not seen at all from the new Kage (with the exception of Naruto of course, but he's not considered here).

That's some projection lol.

Says nothing useful to the argument.

And you understood from this that I don't think saitama is the MC? hmm something about the "inability to understand' or something idk!

Says nothing useful to the argument.

Hmm.. beginning to see a trend here.

Second arc of "not getting sarcasm" something about "12 years old" could apply here I think :D

Says nothing useful to the argument.

Never said that? I absolutely loving this, it made you look very gullible haha.

Says nothing useful to the argument.

Wow! that's really an achievement, I'm sorry ONE and murata, your mc is appearing 10% of the time meanwhile the rest cast are appearing less than 10% my bad my bad! (Warning: This is sarcasm!)

Says nothing useful to the argument.

Ah yeah this feeling, my favourite result. seeing you mad after realising how you got played very dirty lmao.

Says nothing useful to the argument.

Honestly, thanks for crashing out as fast as you did, it's clear you're not even that good of a troll, just nothingburger comments failing to get any real rise out of anyone.

I argued points, you whined and cried foul about sarcasm and tried and failed to rage bait.

Peeped the profile and told me all I need πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Really, an alt account for the same argument? That's just sad. Saw your comments on others posts to and got what I needed to know.

Reasoning with an idiot troll is impossible so enjoy yourself down here, I've made my points with 0 real opposition and I see no reason to need to say anything more πŸ‘‹

100 examples of gaps of 10 or 15

I already gave you 3 in my other comment, I'm not wasting my life combing chapters for every character side arc in Naruto to serve a fool like you that clearly didn't read either Naruto or OPM.

All these arcs you mentioned still lacks Saitama, he had to make something that's common sense lmao.

Are you actually braindead? "Lacks Saitama" despite the fact that all of those arcs start and end with him. OPM is not the power fantasy you want it to be so badly. In order for Saitama to have actual growth, he is used conservatively to work off of other character archetypes like Genos, Sonic, Tatsumaki, King, Bang etc. If you can't accept that much, stop hate reading, and find yourself a better story to read.

You really are replying "but Saitama did something in that arc!!!1!" That's beyond question, he is the main character my boy.

Yes he is... bro did you actually READ any of my comments this thread? That is his point as a main character. He drives the story. You say the manga lacks Saitama yet he's still the main character that you clearly understand.

Nobody cares about what you think is "the actual story" That's just your preference, not what is this manga supposed to be about.

Here's some wisdom for you. When you tell other people that their point is just preference and yet claim the idiotic notion that what you say is somehow any better, maybe look inward and see the irony.

You want OPM to be Dragon Ball and introduce new fighters to get clobbered by Saitama. At least say that instead of dancing on the lines without saying anything. OPM as a manga now is so popular because of its story.

It's the same reason the manga is stalling now, with no strong story to drive it forward. You want more Saitama? Whine some more about it, I'm sure that'll change things. You keep screaming my words are just opinions. Yes they are, and so are yours.

Wow, tou really can't even get sarcasm, this really speaks a lot about this discussion lmao.

I think it speaks more about your inability to understand writing on the internet. I'm aware you're not actually unsure, I responded to the point of even questioning it sarcastically.

Sorry I don't lurk on Reddit waiting on responses, I have work and a life to take care of before spending some spare time here.

I can't believe you are actually explaining how Saitama is the MC, the first half of tour comment made me cringe hard lol.

Oh so your 12 then. Your entire response on this thread questions why a manga called OPM doesn't have enough of Saitama for you and you cringe from a response to your dumb points?

All characters except Saitama! lmfao.

Thanks for validating for me that you've never read the manga 🀦

I like how you are bringing naruto every bit of time thinking I'm fan of it, but the truth I didn't read the manga and didn't watch even an episode of the anime, you got played hard haha.

Don't like me bringing up Naruto? Don't use it as an argument for talking about titular characters then moron.

You say you want OPM to be more about Saitama, yet your smooth brain can't comprehend that he is literally the most present character in the manga. You bring up Naruto to argue the titling of the manga and and your own idiot self professed you aren't even a fan, despite pretending you knew a thing about either of these shows.

And I mean you already lost your argument last time but I'm gonna continue replying, this is fun :)

Have fun, your saying "cringe this cringe that" is the real fun, you're literally squirming because this entire comment was "no you're wrong" with no argument points and copium for your ego to deal with the fact that you knew nothing of these shows and you can't back out now. Enjoy yourself ;)

Is he [a main character]? I'm not sure when was the last time we got a Saitama centred chapter.

Yes he is. A protagonist/main character is the one that makes the key decisions that affect the plot. EVERY pivotal arc to the story and the world we perceive in OPM is driven by Saitama's actions.

* From recruiting Genos and joining the Hero Association to fighting and stopping Boros.

* When the Monster Association attacked, Orochi was also taken down by Saitama.

* When Garou awakened his cosmic form and essentially eradicated everyone, Saitama saved the timeline by beating him.

* Saitama's resolution to become a hero in the beginning of the manga, saving a kid, DIRECTLY CREATED the Hero Assocaition we see.

We always know that Saitama is the main character that will drive how the world changes before and after each arc, but because he is designed to be unbeatable, OPM uses these arcs to let other characters shine before Saitama swoops down.

Also, this point of yours really hits home that you've lost context of this story as a whole from the recent chapters. Answer me one question: which character appears more than Saitama in this manga? Who's the main character then if you argue Saitama is not?

It's unfortunate your last response was just a bunch of childish ranting because all that says is you're too blinded by opinion to accept that this is a story you don't like instead of it being bad in writing.

OPM as a story is not the "Ninja arc" or the "amount of chapters since we saw Saitama", it is a story about One Punch-Man, the moniker for Saitama and also the theme of his presence as a hero that became too strong.

A good story uses its characters to maximal effect in gaining interest from the readers. Focusing every page on a hero in a world that cannot harm him at all loses interest rapidly. In fact, once again going to Naruto, a key CRITICISM by most on Naruto is the fact that it dropped the ball on all of the other side characters by the end of the show, it literally frustrated a massive part of the fanbase.

In order to tackle an interesting story, ONE uses other characters and Saitama's interactions with them to paint a good story, sometimes focusing on those characters first before wrapping Saitama in the mix to avoid him from solving all their problems with overwhelming strength.

Good stories don't use metrics of showtime of their main character to tell a story, they use the characters as tools to tell it. OPM is not a badly written manga just becase you're frustrated by the title not making every other chapter involve Saitama as a central figure.

No, you didn't get my point, not seeing Saitama and his lack of appearance are the same problem, yeah we saw him 5 chapters ago in one panel in a full chapters, that's really laughable.

Did you actually follow this manga properly at all?? You brought up Naruto as a comparative example with the names of the series and I could give you 100 examples of gaps of 10 or 15 chapters that had Naruto in for maybe 3 panels total.

Let's look at the ACTUAL story and stop using Murata's last 10 padding chapters as an example. Prior to the Ninja arc that STILL hasn't established conditions where the characters have gone through their own growth and require Saitama to step in:

* We had the Neo Heroes introduction, which had assorted chapters that focused on all S-ranked heroes in respone to the Neo Heroes, Saitama was regularly seen.

* Before we had the Psychic Sisters Arc, where Saitama was ALSO regularly seen, immediately workign with Fubuki to stop Tatsumaki's rampage.

* Before this was literally peak Saitama involvement for the entire finale of the Garou arc.

So yeah the point doesn't "remain the same", you were wrong.

I see you're now frustrated that your opinion isn't factual and just nitpicking. My point didn't budge whatsoever, OPM consists of an expositional arc to focus on Saitama as a character and then opens on arcs for other characters' developments. (e.g. Genos, Garou, Suiryu, King, etc.)

But it's bad, again the manga title is One Punch Man, that's what the manga promised us, imagine if the manga "Naruto" had naruto appears just only once in a while? That's stupid.

One Punch Man is a title, it isn't even a name like Naruto πŸ™„. But I'll humor the argument.

I suppose you also hated Full Metal Alchemist arcs that followed Greed, Scar, or Roy. You probably also hated any Chainsaw Man arcs that the Chainsaw Devil wasn't center stage.

The writing's not stupid, your static mindset is. I suppose you also hate the entirety of Sasuke's Taka arc and revenge on Itachi considering Naruto was not seen for dozens of episodes, same for Sasuke's infiltration of the Five Kage Summit, or an innumerable amount of other stretches of the story that followed other characters like Sasuke, Kakashi, Sakura, Itachi, etc.

Instead of thinking any deeper than you do, you immediately use dumb arguments like "it's called One Punch Man, I didn't see the One Punch Man in 5 chapters, THIS MANGA IS A LIE" if you don't like it, at least own up to it, don't be a spoiled brat on it.

I think speed in Naruto/Boruto is something that doesn't always clearly scale 1:1 with the characters.

I think Baryon Mode Naruto was the peak of physical speed where, similar to all of his Kurama modes before since KCM 1, he's gradually gotten faster and faster in his physical movement alone.

However, then we have the concept of teleportation, where, regardless of someone like Minato not having the physical running speed of someone like the Fourth Raikage, he effortlessly outmaneuvers him with his superior reflexes and instant teleportation via the Flying Raijin.

So it really depends on what we use as a metric for the fastest. If we include combat speed it'd probably be someone like Baryon Mode Naruto bc Boruto just keeps making the newest villain or character the fastest, which really only slowed down after Naruto v Isshiki.

However, if we're talking pure movement speed, Minato's Flying Raijin literally warps space for instantaneous travel, which completely trounces any physical movement from point A to B like with Baryon Mode.

TL;DR I'd say Baryon Mode if we're talking speed with relation to combat, but otherwise any users of teleportation, probably Boruto currently using Flying Raijin, or even Sasuke with his Amenotejikara.

I think the hate for Hiruzen was very much like a hill that peaked in mid-Shippuden-late-Shippuden and has arguably decreased after his reanimation in the war.

Imo, because Part 1 Naruto was very much framed in the POV of the young kids of the village, the world was very 1-sided good v evil in the beginning and Hiruzen was the Hokage that valiantly protected the village to his dying breath. No one despised Hiruzen here.

It was only with Shippuden, which expanded a lot more on the question of the nature of good and evil, where many characters we originally thought an undeniable good, were shown for actions in their past that were far less than favorable.

  • When we see Hiruzen continually neglect to take action on Danzo's heinous actions "for the sake of the Leaf", we see a man blinded by his one-sided belief in Danzo's sense of justice despite many innocent and good individuals (e.g. Shisui, many innocent Uchiha caught up in the massacre).
  • With regards to the massacre itself, we find it was Hiruzen that also stood with Danzo's ultimatum to Itachi when Itachi reports to Hiruzen following the Uchicha Massacre. This is a massive fall of grace for a man we assumed only once had turned a blind eye and made mistakes that led to those tragedies.
  • While I think it's not as valid to define Hiruzen as the worst human for this in a shinobi world with so many abhorrent beings, Hiruzen's treatment of Naruto starkly contrasting his promise to a dying Kushina to protect Naruto also rang sour with much of the fanbase.
  • Considering all the struggles we have grown up seeing Naruto go through, the above point, while being far less heinous than his other actions particularly with relation to Danzo, probably becomes a very strong point where the audience started to hate Hiruzen.

When Hiruzen returned as a reanimation, we still do continue to see he very much cares of the safety of his village and the world and was a man with good intentions that made bad decisions.

IMO, on a high level, Hiruzen was hated because his depiction in mid-late Shippuden reminded a lot of fans of a very real truth many hate in our own world: corrupt leaders with a friendly face but unexpected hands involved in great tragedies of the world.

Love Hiruzen or hate him, his overwhelming support for Danzo as his dark side and his covering up of some of Danzo's most massive transgressions was corruption not befitting a Hokage but not out of malice, out of an inability to understand that his old friend's intensions "for the good of the Leaf" were also destroying the Leaf and the world bit by bit.

They literally adapted 7 volumes, that's like quarter of the manga

If you didn't like the wording of "initial chapters" that's fine, the point remains the same. The first QUARTER of the manga was fleshing out Saitama as a character, someone whose motivations we didn't truly understand until that first season of material was concluded.

Following that, the formula of the story was not to just have Saitama go around solving other people's problems immediately. It was to have them get fleshed out as characters first, show growth on their own merit, and have Saitama only show up when he is truly needed as a hero.

You can see this everywhere, from Suiryu facing Gouketsu and his gang and making his stand before Saitama arrives to everyone facing Garou and Saitama only showing up when Garou had already become too powerful for anyone else.

They did, and I hate that decision, I can easily see it works much better if they continued putting Saitama on the spotlight

You're entitled to your opinion, once again, that's fine. But you not liking this method of writing doesn't make it bad. It just makes it different from your expectation. Once again, OPM is not a power fantasy, but a parody of a shounen trope, putting Saitama at the center of the series at all times would simply lose steam with showcasing Saitama ending every random monster he runs into. It's funny for the first few times, but that style would have lost hype long before the length of the manga we have now.

But let's get to the main issue

imo both are related problems, if he was redrawing Saitama fights or something people won't complain, but who cares about flashy flash and Sonic drama lmao.

You just restated my point. Why does you feel like Saitama wasn't involved at all in the story for a while? BECAUSE of the redraws. It's actually only been ~4 chapters since we've seen Saitama when the group assembled at the Hero Association HQ with the discussion of Empty void.

Saitama was really only "gone" for 4 chapters (~2 months of material at Murata's previous pace).

The problem is Murata is very clearly either burned out or creatively blocked along with ONE in how or what to choose to progress to the next central arc. As such, Murata made the very poor decision of redrawing a useless arc and taking way too long to do so instead of going on hiatus to plan for the real future of OPM with the formation of the Neo Heroes.

Saitama is still very much a main character, but in the bubble we have following all of Murata's updates, Saitama's faded altogether from the development hell of this side arc which realistically would've featured more of Saitama way back if Murata didn't reverse 6 chapters and space out redraws month by month.

That's probably a spoiler but I don't really care anymore.

I've recently been taking a break from the OPM manga, only checking in once a month or once every 6 weeks to wait out the current stalling of the manga.

I'd say it's probably best for you too since you're also out of care of current developments of the story.

OG's definitely more popular and well known. I think Shippuden Naruto is just as well known to the fanbase, but even non-watchers know Naruto much better by the image on the left than the right.

Might not be the most popular choice, but I'd pick Shisui.

  • Hiruzen lived his life completely.

  • Jiraiya could've lived longer but he also left behind a worthy legacy in the form of the Fourth Hokage and Naruto.

  • Minato lived all the goals he'd set his mind to. He became Hokage, married the love of his life, and left behind a child that embodied all he and Kushina hoped for. He lived a short life, but a very good one.

  • Although Obito regained his faith in the world through Naruto before passing, his return would lead to immediate life imprisonment. And living in the shadows or away from the village accomplishes nothing for him, with Rin being gone and his hopes of becoming Hokage having long vanished.

  • Itachi is the one main competition for Shisui for me. Both lived tragically short lives in service to the village having never had the time to live for themselves.

The only reason I have Shisui above Itachi is that Itachi doesn't have a good route to live in peace as we would want within the Hidden Leaf. He died seen as a monster that destroyed his clan and abandoned the village and wished to do so because the truth would liberate him but destroy the image of the Uchiha clan in regards to the coup.

Shisui both lived a tragically short live with much to be desired, and was a hero to the Leaf that would live peacefully in the village and be able to achieve all that he never had, a family, maybe he would've been the perfect candidate even for the first Uchiha Hokage.

Madhouse simply adapted the initial chapters, where the goal was to show us who Saitama was as a character.

Following the chapters used by Madhouse for season 1, Murata and ONE already began framing arcs with different "main characters" and held Saitama out of it until the right moment.

This allows these characters to shine in their own way without Saitama just swooping in and winning. After all, it's important to remember One Punch is a parody of the shonen trope, it isn't a pure power fantasy.

In my opinion, it's less of an issue that Saitama hasn't been seen much of this arc and more of a problem that Murata is redrawing this side arc for no highly motivating reason. If the redraws were released in the beginning, this equivalent chapter would've released 5 months ago and we would've wrapped up this arc (we'd have probably seen more of Saitama as well since it's expected he'll arrive later in this arc when dealing with Empty Void.

I'm still very unhappy with the state of the manga now like you are, but I do think that it is massively more due to the unnecessary redraws of this side arc than the percentage of time Saitama spends on the front panels.

AMD used to talk up so big about keeping its new features for the masses when NVIDIA's DLSS 3.0 frame generation came out only for the 40 series, now this is what they do?

I love my 6950 XT for gaming but AMD's software suite for cool useful tools like RTX VSR is just barren. And now, when they introduce it, it's 7000 series only?? Come on AMD.

I'm aware of the AI accelerators in the new cards being necessary if the super resolution takes advantage of deep learning. That doesn't change the facts of their big talk of keeping their features for older cards is taking a big hit when seeing something like this, especially considering NVIDIA's video super resolution works on both the 30 and 40 series.

I really hope new developments come out on this and whether it is possible to at least see this come out on 6000 cards to match NVIDIA's offering, otherwise this is just the latest of disappointments in expecting AMD to actually deliver a feature without just beinga half baked response to NVIDIA.

Agreed, I'm confused at why there is so much deliberation on a frankly mid mini story of Flashy Flash and Sonic's past ties just when the Neo heroes were coming into play.

It hurts but it's starting to be true 😞 The last point really doesn't make sense because OPM has always had an element of exploring other characters background and conflict before letting Saitama enter the story, but the story developments in Flashy Flash and Sonic's arc really lost steam after the rewrites and delays.

It just seems like the team is in denial of being either burned out or having creative troubles with how to move forward.

I definitely agree TBV does a far better job at maturing his character and not relying on forcefully imprinting Naruto's persona on Boruto.

If only that manga had a bit quicker of a pace πŸ˜‚, since we've only got 11 chapters and are still stuck on Boruto's initial confrontation post-timeskip in the Hidden Leaf, it's hard to replace the older image of Boruto with this new one until we get more actual filling out of this new post-timeskip Boruto.

But let's hope they do a good job keeping what we've seen of TBV Boruto so far consistent. I do think, in the background, Kishimoto or whoever's writing the series now is probably using a character like Minato as a template to shape Boruto given how much the story has already nodded at Boruto, talentwise, taking more after Minato than Naruto.

Don't get me wrong, I do understand he is Otsutsuki by DNA, but in-verse any character calling him Boruto Otsutsuki serves no purpose but to try to build intrigue on the naming and makes no sense, particularly for the same reason you mentioned that Kawaki never went under this name either, whether he was facing an Otsutsuki or a member of Kara.

Also I do think this discussion is stretching out one of the smaller points I made of a larger problem where the Boruto manga is feeling somewhat stuck in time. It's setting up little plotpoints and intrigue of future fights but prolonging any actual story developments indefinitely.

  • Why is Boruto in the village?

  • Is his goal to fight Kawaki now or later?

  • He's hinted at a truth about the Shinju months ago and no new information has been given.

Considering this is a monthly manga and Boruto's visit to the Leaf Village started almost a year ago, it feels like a lot of the poor writing is just trying to rush developments that the authors foresaw will take impossibly long on a monthly publishing cadence (e.g. Kurama's return after one story arc without him, Himawari immediately having possession of Kurama somehow, and simultaneously having mastered how to use some of his powers with no drawbacks like a Tailed Beast Bomb).

And in the end of the day, if enough fans are fine waiting on this speed of storytelling, that is also fine. But, as someone that follows One Piece, MHA, JJK, and OPM alongside Boruto, even OPM with all its rewrites has more story velocity than Boruto, which I think a lot of the issues I discussed above are symptoms of.

I feel like Kamui, Almighty, and Ope-Ope show the most promise.

  • Almighty giving essentially the ability to see the future for wealth/avoiding accidents, future mistakes, etc.

  • Kamui giving the ability to teleport across the world via the Kamui dimension and nigh infinite storage/intangibility

  • Ope-Ope allowing for medical techniques that likely surpass any possible medical developments in the real world.

Immortality isn't really my cup of tea unless my friends and family would also be able to remain immortal (I assume not).

Ultra Instinct is really cool, but I don't think there's enough accidents I get into in real life for UI to really make a difference in aiding me. Also I don't care about a DB power up.

Hakai is probably the worst, it's an amazing power in DB, but I have zero use for absolute anihilation powers. In the words of Thorfinn, "I have no enemies."

I'd vote Minato in terms of the raw potential he displayed and the intellect he had, also considering he alone, among all of these shinobi, lacked kekkei genkai at any point in his life (Orochimaru is also up there, but his real advancements came from utilizing others powers to advance himself, still very respectable).

Boruto, technically, is probably a mile above these guys, but it's always bugged me that it was more plot convenient abilities given to him than showing him as an analytical thinker.

I think the authors forcefully trying to balance Boruto out as a genius, but with Naruto's brashness and demeanor, kind of hurt the integrity of his intelligence, with his abilities seeming more plot contrived, although he is seen as an insanely gifted shinobi in-world.

Personally, my vote's on Minato in terms of showing that genius with what he lacked in kekkei genkai. Essentially he was an extremely efficient shinobi that mastered all common skills he was given and hyper optimized his skillset to minimize preparation time.

I think it also speaks volumes to Minato's intelligence when we see an older Boruto adopt Minato's fighting style of Rasengan and Flying Raijin to achieve the same lightweight and efficient but powerful fighting style that Minato cultivated.