It’s because you’re running barefoot the way you would in shoes. You’ve gotten so immune to the effect that you’re pushing off with your toes in shoes and now you’re doing it barefoot, is the simple answer.

To the shot of the guy saying hello to the townsfolk then sees his family outside then screams NOOOOOOOOO because they’re all eating candy bars for breakfast

While the end of year tax refund is great when they’re babies, having to go to court everyday bc your kids think success is guns, gangs and drugs is another story ain’t it, Shaquandra?

We’re not going to let you get your bearings or explore the game because helldivers just DIE DIE DIE.

I did, until Wendy’s started upcharging $0.79 extra for a tomato slice that’s been free for fifty years!

Plot twist: Dan is keeping tabs on his pigeons and hopes his neighbors don’t think he’s being creepy with binoculars.

Yes I love to be petted, but not from my tail forwards!!

I learned how to clean at a very young age and never got fat.

Years ago, there was a little button that would pop up reading IS THIS STILL AVAILABLE? Clicking it would send a message to the seller, so I would just go from listing to listing for hours clicking that button on everything just to drive people nuts and you know what? It works! Now I just have bots do that for me 24/7 to annoy people trying to sell outdated pickles for $2. Touché FB denizens!!

As long as there’s a sink, I don’t need a urinal.

Children that can catapult themselves from a chair 47 times in a row and then do that daily for a year like tying their shoes?

No, but I do have this Honda crank pulley holding tool that I’ll give you so I can say I don’t have the tools to fix your RUSTED NIGHTMARE!!!!!

At 25, I was given $25k to see how I managed it. I managed it poorly. It was a foundation of learning that would prepare me for the future and I became wiser from it. Thanks Dad!

Facebook Marketplace. When you need that extra bit of cash for your next bag of meth. Seriously though, you can get really cheap prices on car audio, guns and sex from drug addicts on Facebook. Come join the real, delete FB today!

Showing tattoos in public and farting in the restroom. Excommunicado!!

It was “weirdest flex”, not that I’d be listed in said meat market of lost souls, LOL

Genius! I have no award though.

What a sad state. Can’t do this or that, because, cameras! When did we say it was ok to have a camera on us at all times? I don’t remember agreeing to be filmed the entire time I’m away from my house…..

Fold? Who am I impressing? Who wants to unwrap a package of creases?

I am the 13th generation that decided NOT to spend my life there.