Just trying to help, I don't know this person but am able to make an assumption here.

Love the movie. The dark humor is a lot more accurate for what really takes place in an Army medical unit. Speaking from experience.

In high school I only paid attention to girls who were "hot" or "10s" etc etc. And pretty much got nowhere with them.

How wrong I was. There were plenty of great girls that I could have "hung out with" but because they weren't Barbie level, I feel I lost out on having a quality relationship. There are a couple girls I still think about, and would definitely like to go back and change the narrative

I find that making comments about one's mother usually acts as an attention getter

Am I the only that thinks Hell Patrol doesn't get the respect it deserves. One of my all time favorite Priest tunes.

Grandma used to use those in the kitchen

it is truly disheartening that in a nation of 350 Americans, the best we can come up with is Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

A turd or a shit sandwich. Take your pick.

Kiss has entered the chat. limited talent. all show. I never understood the love

Bon Jovi is the Wayne Brady of metal

you look the way strawberry anal lube smells

love it. Prepping for the urban zombies

the door looks better than your blurs-ed lips

College days. Girl I knew a little bit asks me to walk her home from the bar. Sure OK. About a mile back to the dorm. We get back, she lets me in her room, small talk, she sits on her bed, smiles, small talk, "sit down next to me" AND WHAT DO I DO? Well I gotta get back to the bar, all my friends are still there drinking. I was such an idiot.

Kiss is the correct answer, with the Beatles a close second