Many of those railings are shaped like griffins from classical mythology, who traditionally guard the entrance to the unknown and the underworld.

Babette Guldsmeden used to have a rooftob hot tub you could rent, but I don't know if they still do. Worth calling and asking!

Aaaaand there it is. Thanks for digging up the receipts. We all knew there was A Certain Worldview behind this post.

"All foreign women" lol. Conveniently forgetting the women who find they receive more respect generally as well as in their relationships compared to back home. I also know several women who came for a man, then ditched the man but kept the country. Things like not needing a husband to have a bank account are a big deal to some and worth paying their own bar tab.

How do you feel about men expecting you to pay for your own food on a first date?

Yes, patriarchy predominates the global scene, this isn't the own you think it is. And a lot of Danish men are feminists, which seems to be one of the problems you're encountering.

You may want A man, but you don't sound like you like men all that much.

Nowhere did I mention my sexual prowess, clearly you're putting as much effort into learning the language as you are into achieving self-insight.

It sounds like you come from somewhere where men and women are expected to conform to gender roles in order to be seen as Men or Women.

That's not compatible with most Danish men, who would prefer to be treated as People.

Having poofier hair will not get you a nicer drink. Expecting a man to pay by default or to "defend you" or get jealous if someone talks to you is going to be a turn-off. Some dudes are into princess behaviour, but most want at least some level of equality and reciprocity.

So if your flirty behaviour plays into any of that, or if after a couple of dates, you make it clear you are looking for a traditionally gendered relationship, most Danish men will dip.

P.S. Tak gutter. Jeg skal nok holde min egen dør og betale mine egne regninger hvis i bliver ved med at tage opvasken og gå op i mine orgasmer. 👍👍

Som ikke-metalhead glæder jeg mig bare over den gode stemning i byen. Jeg har ikke oplevet folk pøble eller opføre sig nedern, tværtimod fyldes byen op med venlige og rare mennesker, der smiler og sludrer med en, hvis man har lyst.

Fem stjerner herfra, og i skal være så velkommen igen en anden gang!

To be fair, every gardener I had ever known seems to be permanently doing battle in their garden, sowing life and destruction in equal measure.

I keep hearing Taliesin yelling "SIIILAS" and how wildly cool yet annoying for the child it would be to jokingly yell in the face of mild misbehaviour.

Hvis du tidligere har oplevet overgreb, der nu giver dig voldsom angst for undersøgelsen, så tal åbent med din læge og se, om der er mulighed for at overstå undersøgelsen på en anden måde.

Jeg selv har PTSD grundet voldtægt, og voldsomme udfordringer med at få ting stukket ned i halsen. Jeg kan knapt børste tænder, da tandbørsten kommer for langt bag i munden og jeg kaster op og ryster. Da jeg stod til at få en gastroskopi, blev jeg lagt under fuldnarkose - ingen ordentlig mediciner er interesseret i at forværre senfølger af overgreb, hvis det da kan undgås.

Tal med din læge, og være stadig, selv om det er svært. Måske kan de bedøve på en anden måde, give mere bedøvelsesmiddel eller beroligende medicin, bruge lattergas (gør man det stadig?) eller andre tiltag som et gardin for dit underliv så du ikke behøver følge nøje med i hvad der sker. Måske kan du tage en støtteperson med, eller lytte til en podcast imens (det gør jeg hos tandlægen og det hjælper meget).

Håber du finder nogle løsninger der kan bruges til noget. Kæmpe kram herfra.

Hirschsprungske, it's the purpose-built Danish Impressionist museum.

I min tid var den farverige skar over på OkCupid, og man kunne udmærket skrives ved og mødes bare for at finde venner.

There is no scene like that in the movie. No one has red hair. Don't ask a magic 8 ball for facts.

Kunne tænkes det er grow-operation, men det ville være fucking vovet.

Ooof! You know, in my day in Denmark you had two main tracks in high school, maths or languages. Want to take a guess which I was in?

Seriously, I appreciate the correction.

Given how much volatility is expected to rise, it certainly won't keep us safe from everything. But it can help reduce destruction and provides action plans to deal with the floods that do arise.


Interestingly, here in Copenhagen we are nearing the end of a massive climate-proofing project designed to protect the city from flooding resulting from excess rain.

It's called Skybrudssikring, and was launched in the wake of a big flood in 2011. Denmark's a pretty soggy country, but the issue arises when the earth becomes saturated and the water has nowhere to go.

The entire city has been topographically mapped and adjusted to direct the flow of water out of the city and into the harbour or the floodplanes south of the city. Parks and green areas will have cleverly recessed spaces that can act as cachement pools - eg. a sunken basketball court that is only 1 meter lower than the surrounding space but could hold thousands of cubic litres (edit: cubic meters - our engineers aren't THAT good) which would otherwise pour in through basement windows down the street.

It was very expensive, but was also an opportunity to increase green spaces in the city (more water-absorbent and nicer for the locals than concrete expanses).

It's not a panacea, but it's a huge part of preparing for the ever more volatile weather coming our way. The highest part of central Copenhagen is only 6 meters above sea level so we have to do something NOW or risk real destruction in the decades to come.

KFUM/KFUK (like a youth YMCA Organisation) have a space in Store Kannikestræde that is often used by choirs etc.

Search Udlejning KFUM Store Kannikestræde and you'll find it.

Slet ikke, jeg mener det af hele hjertet. Jeg aner intet om bly, eller hvordan et sådan tårn skabes, eller hvordan Børsens tårn adskiller sig fra andre. Jeg tror der er mange der gerne ville lære noget om det tårn lige præcis nu.

Så langt var jeg ikke kommet i tanken. Det var mere en skole i skoletiden jeg tænkte på, og mere bare som et billed af "i det mindste er det ikke en flok børn" som f.ex da Den Franske Skole blev bombet.

Jeg får helt ondt i maven over de kulturskatte der formodentligt er gået tabt.

Det er et helt vildt perspektiv du har! Du kunne overveje at lave en post og uddybe det der med falset bly i tårnet, jeg tror rigtig mange ville synes det var mega interessant at høre om.

Jeg har sagt til mig selv at;

1) det er ikke en skole eller en boligblok;

2) det er ikke Rigsarkivet eller Kongelig Bibliothek der begge ligger tæt på. Eller Statens Museum for Kunst eller Rosenborg.

Så fik jeg det en tand bedre. Men det er stadig surrealistisk.

Absolutely not. Børsen is one of those buildings that is so special and unique that it has its own identity. It will be rebuilt by craftsmen who will study the originals plans and designs (which still exist). Plus the skyline will feel all wrong without those dragons, they've been there 400 years and will rise again.

Anyone specialised in historic construction of the 1600's will be assured work the next couple of years.

Some great suggestions in this thread!

I'd also suggest keeping Det Lille Apotek at the back of your mind when going around the city. It's the oldest restaurant in Copenhagen (1720!), in a wonderfully central location.

The food is classic Danish done well, and the prices are shockingly reasonable for the inner city. The interior is cosy (think wood panels, green baize and oil paintings) and pretty noise-absorbent. It was also H.C. Andersen's favourite restaurant, and his usual table has a small brass plaque with his order on it.

It's a good option if you're downtown, at a loss and want to be sure of a solid meal - they do lunch and dinner services and are open all days of the week.