🤣🤣🤣 your dad, amazing

Yes, go with Elias instead.

Rent free while in education, rent once working, but everything I paid was set aside for me for when I moved out. Everyone does things differently.

Yes, do not ignore the bride. She's well aware of what you look like and how you dress and has made a specific suggestion, neither you nor your husband can read minds so do what she says. Keep her looped in on choices, ignore your husband, listen to your friend, who's day this will be. If she wants you dressed to the nines then do it, it's her choice, and you can keep her informed.

"Oh WHAT!? Your face is up there!? Sorry, I'm so used to you talking out your arse."

"Looks like your balls are almost ready to drop, hopefully you'll be able to drop some good jokes soon too."

I feel like we've done this already, but without the massive monies...

NTA. Who's going to pay it next time? Or the time after? What happens when you get an unexpected bill? Who's going to pay it for you?

Tell your wife to be real, it would be foolish to put yourselves out any mote than you already have. Tf they gonna magic up 105k to pay you back from? And as if they actually have the audacity to ask you? Wtaf man.

NTA. You're not their nanny, carer, babysitter, emotional support monkey whatever. They made the decision to have so many children, they need to grow tf up and act like decent humans and look after their children, this isn't your circus and never was and it's awful you've had to step up so much already.

NTA. He's being a deadbeat dad while still living with them, which is quite the accomplishment. Your sons aren't idiots, the resentment has already begun, and they deserve better. This is going to mess up everyone involved.

NTA. Take your job and move abroad, he can send them money. He's older than you and earns more, they also sunk more resources into him, there's absolutely no reason he shouldn't be the one supporting them.

What you need to do is live your life, it's the only one you got and you shouldn't be wasting it. At least sacrifice for people who would appreciate it, y'know? What would you say if a friend was in this situation?

Look after yourself, put yourself first, you can't assume someone else will. Then you can help others, if you choose, after you've taken care of yourself.

:SkavenBl: Servant of Horned Rat

Warlock Bombadier!

NTA. Yeah it's awful the baby was left alone, but your daughter set a very clear and loud boundary that was crossed, the circumstances don't matter. She made it clear that she would have nothing to do with the child, and your wife destroyed that boundary and made her out to be the bad guy.

Your wife was the adult in that situation, and was clearly informed that your daughter would not be watching the baby, and still chose to try and force your daughter to compromise on a boundary she had been very clear about.

Your wife is the asshole, the other two are children. Your daughter isn't a monster for sticking to her word, your wife is an idiot by failing to be responsible with the children under her care after being told the baby would be left alone. If she had forced your daughter to accept her boundary being broken she'd just push more and more, she's so pissed off because her tactic failed and you rightfully called her out for being a moron.

Her being so young is an advantage, it won't hit her so hard, the most important thing is that she grows up with happy, healthy parents.

You're not happy, the situation isn't healthy. Even if this was a teachable moment for her, you should still show her that it's more important to put herself first than be taken advantage of.

You deserve better, she deserves better, you know what the right call here is and you've got this.


First of all your dm in an idiot. Secondly, don't keep playing that character. If your dm isn't going to consider you at all when dealing with your character, remove the option. Say your character retires, dies or disappears, and show up with a fighter or something. If anyone asks why say you felt punished for being a cleric, got dismissed when you spoke about it, the session 0 rule was broken and rather than leave you thought you'd just roll a new character.

NTA. If he had changed this wouldn't be an issue. Just cut your losses.

Yes, obviously you're the bad apple, doesn't matter what it is you don't throw stuff at anything that isn't yours. And instead of teaching your daughter how to be a decent human you tried to make out like someone else was the problem. Your husband is 100% right, you're an embarrassment to the species and your family and need to do better for your daughter.

Yes, obviously you're the bad apple, doesn't matter what it is you don't throw shit at anything that isn't yours. And instead of teaching your daughter how to be a decent human you tried to make out like someone else was the problem. Your husband is 100% right, you're an embarrassment to the species and your family and need to do better for your daughter.

His last two brain cells are fighting for third place and I'm pretty sure they'll end each other trying.

YTA, don't be surprised when she stops talking to you.

NTA. He wasn't making fun of you, he was being an utter prick, and deserved to be shut down. He's allowing his own issues to negatively impact you and as a parent that's not okay. He could have had a proper heart to heart with you, and genuinely tried to help rather than verbally and emotionally assaulting you.

I'd demand a mutual apology, or just call a ceasefire and stop interacting entirely.