My parents have a lot of kids. They always wanted a big family and were not prepared for how hard that would be. I'm (17m) the oldest of 10 and my parents have relied on me for so long that I don't remember a time where I wasn't treated like a third adult in the house. My siblings range from 15 down to 4. My parents are still technically able to have more kids too because neither are 40 yet and it scares me, I won't lie. We already struggle so much with 10 of us and I know it would be worse if they added more, especially when I'm so close to moving out.

In our house we have a boys room, a girls room and our parents bedroom. We basically all sleep on these tiny ass bunkbeds in order to fit everyone in. Nobody gets brand new clothes it all thrift store for me and the oldest of my sisters and our younger brothers and sisters get our hand me downs.

It was expected I would step up by the time I was 5. I had to make mine and my siblings beds, had to tidy up after younger siblings, had to stop my younger siblings from climbing onto things and I was also expected to clean the floors. Over time more chores were added to my list. Helping to cook, babysitting (even when I was too young really), helping with homework, holding siblings hands when we went grocery shopping so they wouldn't run off. Cleaning the bathrooms. Cleaning both boys and girls bedrooms. Tidying up if we were having guests (especially if anyone had friends over). My siblings weren't really given chores. And I was basically doing just as much as my parents around the house.

My siblings rely on me for too much. From driving them places to picking them up from places, to giving them permission for stuff (my parents let me give permission where I know they would). They expect me to buy them stuff. They come to me more than our parents and sometimes come to me after our parents if they don't like what our parents said. They get pissy whenever I try to get them to help out and our parents won't back me up so they have never done any kind of chore or helped out at all. They get so mad when I ask they say I'm not mom and dad but then they also won't go to mom and dad for this shit most of the time.

My parents started freaking out because I'll be 18 in October and they know I plan to move out. I also work part time and that gets relied on to help financially and between that and all I do around the house, it finally dawned on my parents I won't be around in a few more months. They started word vomiting all this on me and I told them they need to learn to live without me because it's not my job to be the third adult in the house anymore. They told me I'll still be a part of the family and I can't just abandon them. I said I will not support the household after I turn 18 because it won't be my job.