What idiots don't understand is that "No man will marry you" as a response to independence from being subservient and slaving for a man their entire life, is what an independent woman will always take.

When the husband got bothered by them, he understood that they were a nuisance. But instead of telling them, he took it out on his wife and threatens to divorce her. Well take him up on his offer, contact a divorce lawyer and start the proceedings and tell him that you are doing that. He can then deal with his parents to his heart's content. Threatening someone with divorce without cause means they dont care about you, just themselves.

"And I feel used by the car." First time i have heard that and considering this, better leave the relationship like last year.

Your father's guilty conscience is his business. She should contact his for further inquires. OP should continue using all possible leverage to help out his Mom. Besides "dance, football, softball, karate, music lessons and an art class" nobody can become experts in all of those at once. Some classes can be taken when they become adults and can sponsor themselves.

since the Boyfriend is of no further use, i would suggest exchanging a slightly used boyfriend for a bikini

One partner helps to pay off the other's debt by working in a shitty job but as soon as the roles reverse, this partner is unwilling to reciprocate. Yeah YTA. At the very least give the 3-4 years of time that the partner sacrificed.

Friend is getting free boarding which she decided to pay with unwanted advice based on a single instance and completely concluding that the daughter was a brat because OP did her laundry.

Agree, She cant just spend money willy-nilly if it is not essential to her studies. Its not a treasure trove of infinite money. In the future, the fees and costs can go up which will cause regret later on.

Press the charges with the evidence, otherwise the ahole will commit further crimes.

The Mom missed the wedding because she didn't care. She can live perfectly with her son. Ope should just ditch family that gave her no importance

Moral. Dont share a secret, it is no longer one after it is shared. At least OP didn't not post the secret here

Yes a good prenup should be protecting her rights after marriage as well, how things will be provided for her should things go south.

If they had a baby, he would have told OP to hold the pushing till Mimi and his friends get there.

Obviously he is without shame, so why should OP care about his public image

Yeah, this much disrespect means the wife is already checked out of the relationship and the inlaws support her. Divorce is the only and best solution.

Mild YTA for being vulgar to the 8 year old as there are options to be sarcastic without being vulgar. That being said OP gave the correct option to the sis and Parents to buy the figure and let them take the risk.

So the dad prior to OP was spending for the daughter as well. He got a golden opportunity when OP agreed to 5050 knowing well his daughter's habits. Ditch both of them if they dont agree

For bonding maybe not try to change the status quo. Jack and his father are aholes for barging onto someone else's house and demanding the nicest room. Just be glad that he is getting room and board for free or the dad can make space.

I foresee jailtime when the kid becomes an adult on this parenting trajectory.

The license is required because of safety due to vehicle speed and mass.

He didnt like OP's Bleached eyebrows. He didnot like Bleached eyebrows on him,. So why did he do it. Its all his fault.