Also make sure all communication is on that app which I assume can be used to document the conversations in a dispute.

Tell her that she should be relying on her bridesmaids to organize the bachelorette.

Your grandfather did not give any money to his children for a reason. You might know what that reason is or you might not but he made it very clear that they were not getting anything. You need to honor his wishes.

Listerine gargle work on this???

Why are you having unprotected sex? Especially with this Roman’s who is clearly looking for a baby daddy ATM. Do you want to pay child support for the next 18 years? Learn that condoms not only save lives, they save money.

She doesn’t give a crap about you (or likely anyone else). Just cut her out and move on. Don’t bother with the conversation because she won’t hear it. She sounds really boring anyway.

She doesn’t give a crap about you (or likely anyone else). Just cut her out and move on. Don’t bother with the conversation because she won’t hear it. She sounds really boring anyway.

Look. She is telling you loud and clear it is over. Move on.

YTA. You need to do dna test and if not his you as should tell him the truth. He is going to find out anyway. Is the toddler even your husband’s child? You sound like you don’t really keep only to your man.

Dude needs to wake up and smell the stench of his life if he marries her. You were trying to be a good friend but she doesn’t want to hear it.

Honestly my idea of atonement would be to post a link to this on Facebook. Let everyone see what your mom really is - a terrible mother and father you have. Mom is not sorry - she is just saving face. Dad is a coward. Brother is a dick that they gave your college fund to.

Good on you. Once uncluttered is easier to maintain the sanity. Good luck. 🍀

Dump her. She is a bitch. What was said between you and her was IN CONFIDENCE. She was not supposed to tell her daughter. You cannot trust her. I would shout that out in social media and to your friends - market it as a warning. Don’t tell her anything because she will share it with everyone.

You tried and tried. NTA. You are still young. Find someone to be happy with and move on. You might try counseling first?

He tells me I can do what makes me happy.

But he also told you that tanning naked makes him unhappy.

Ummm. I can’t follow this at all.

Your kids deserve the money. Hit him hard in social media at the hold club etc.

Wait. Your man wants to clean after sex and you have a problem with this? Give him a list baby! 😜