I(39f) have a daughter named Soph(10f). My family lives in an apartment complex and have an upstairs neighbor who looks around his late 20's who I don't know much about besides that he lives alone, doesn't have kids, and is deaf and I only know he's deaf because of his cochlear implants. Hr mainly sticks to himself. Today I got a note on my door from the office stating that my daughter and her friend had "vandalized" someone's car by egging it and that I would be fined $50 because it's a lease violation. I asked my daughter and she said her and her friend were just playing around. Her friend had gotten two eggs from her house and each decided to throw one. She confessed it was our neighbors car. I thought the whole situation was ridiculous. When I was in high school on Halloween we would egg houses and TP houses and the adults just laughed. It's like kids can't be kids anymore. Not saying what my daughter did was right but to report me to the office and get my a $50 fine?! When I saw him going to his apartment I said loudly "You know, you didn't have to report us to the office." He said "And your kid didn't have to egg my car." I told him it's egg. It's a trip to the car wash. It's not like they damaged his car. He rolled his eyes at me and started to go into his house and I got mad and yelled "At least I'll have someone with me on my death bed!" I'm not proud of that at all but I could have said something worse. I just didn't. When my husband found out what happened he yelled at me for embarrassing him and he said he was gonna write a letter apologizing to the neighbor and that our daughter is grounded from going outside. I disagreed with him and said I already spoke to our daughter about egging peoples things and end of the day she's 10. She's being a child and shouldn't be punished over so many child on a power trip. We fought about it and now I'm wondering if I really am wrong here. AITBA?