Traffic calming, safety camera, there's a lot of bullshit in road furniture

Doesn't the lane assist only kick in above a certain speed?

Doesn't the lane assist only kick in above a certain speed?

Nice one for helping with that explanation. Helping is when you aid or assist someone in their goal, task or situation.

I used to say Not Getting Drunk, but now I can have a hangover while being completely sober the whole time

I didn't hear the bear the first time

The fact that he was fondling his nuts had nothing to do with this post

Wouldn't that involve claiming back tax on the $25, the writing off the initial $250 donation for a further $2500 in tax benefit?

Now we need a GPS version for the Americans

I don't. Not one person yet has given me any reason to believe they give a shit

Wait, you won the first gulf war? I thought you guys just left one day

Wait, you won the first gulf war? I thought you guys just left one day

Wtf that's bullshit? It's obviously not about clean air if that's the case

There'd be none left if that happened today