OP clearly has real examples of this in their life and I'm very interested to know what they are. What shows/books/fandoms? This would add important context to the conversation.

I would have thrown the religion shit back in their face. Parents said they still would have forgiven him if in the same place as OOP? Ask them why they would tell such a terrible lie before God. Brother said he is forgiven by God? Tell me he isn't really and still commits the same sin every day by being with her, so he will be going to Hell and you feel bad for him. Tell them you pity them all.

So that's where she's from? Makes sense. I'd wondered but didn't care enough to look into it. She sorta popped up on my (middle aged man) radar one day as a finished product.

Asshole Aficionado [14]

Tell Mom you'll forgive her for $1,000. Then don't forgive her.

I've been re-watching The Mentalist and it's somewhat jarring how quickly the other main character get over it when Jane kills someone or has them killed. Sure, he goes after horrible monsters, but during the series he killed two people personally and set up a third to be killed.

The way you describe him, it sounds as if being an alcoholic is his best feature. Cut the cord.

I assume that someone who says "in my room" probably lacks the financial ability to travel to interesting places in comfort. Either you're still in college or recently out of college and living with roommates.

Should have told grandpa: "I was disowned, so it wasn't my name to give anymore."

What is "therapy that specifically claims it will get you sex?"

1) This is not something I've noticed.

2) "Balls deep"

Asshole Aficionado [14]

My dad does something like this when leaving his house with someone. He wants to lead the way (to be helpful?) and of course lock up when everyone is outside...but he won't fully leave the doorframe to let people through comfortably. So you have to push past him as he gears up to lock the door before you've even made it by. Sometimes I ignore it; sometimes I tell him he needs to move or we're not going anywhere.

You can also get binder sleeves designed for toploaders, although I don't have any personal experience with them.

I'm in the middle of converting to BCW QuickFold card boxes with tabbed dividers. They fit penny sleeves and toploaders comfortably.

My heart says keep pasta, but my heart health says give up pasta.