Nope. The thought that carbon is the control knob of temperature does not fit the facts

And in the states that have armed citizens crime is down

Ok, so name a successful example of socialism. Or even five inventions in the 100 years of socialism that benefited the world?

To live and let live is fine, but the push in school libraries, I’ve seen the books myself, the push in schools to encourage transgenderism. Looks the attacks even the Harry Potter creator took for saying a man is a man and a woman is a woman.

Don’t forget the push to make “Minor Attracted Person” the next part of the Liberal alphabet.

Crimea was taken while Obama was the President. 2014.

If you actually believe that the illegals are family groups you are vastly and easily fooled. From over 100 nations, mostly young males, majority criminals. Any females that are unfortunately along of any age are raped and prostituted out (facts from Texas)

Maybe you should open your eyes. The truth will set you free

I do not think Republicans nor Conservatives hate you for the life choices you are making. What is disliked is the push to not just accept but affirm choices that are different from conservative values. Would you like it if the position was reversed?

Well a strong Presidential foreign policy curbed Putin after 8 years of Obama allowing Crimea to be taken.

Biden revoked Trumps policies and the border is open with the Federal govt stopping Texas and Arizona from erecting border walls and razor wire

What policies exactly are you referencing when you say legislation that favored businesses over individuals? Anything for real or MSNBC propaganda?

So you are in favor of wars, hyper inflation and millions of illegals pouring across our border from over 100 countries?

Socialism seems to be a roaring success in Cuba and North Korea

Wasn’t Florida submerged by the melting ice ten years ago?

Congratulations on your achievement, that shows you have the ability to overcome obstacles in your life. The upside down cross worries me

Sounds like San Francisco would be a good alternative living location

The Father makes the plan The Son does the action The Spirit access the result

I know, I said I reluctantly agree to praise Safe Sport. True the ref might be multinational also, good point

Can’t believe I am saying this… How can you watch that awful and useless Safe Sport EACH and EVERY year and not get the one single item that is relevant to being a Referee, the concussion segment???

This is the way, they are bullying you and only you can stop it