I was AR tonight and had to stop the game after the goalie, in a clean 50/50 got a kneecap to the face.

Centre didn't see it so I spoke with the goalie as the official who saw the injury. I told centre it was a clean hit.

Now he's holding his nose and a little unsteady. Centre and I exchange looks and we suggest to him that he go off. He insists he's fine, and policy is we can't make him.

Broke our hearts to watch as his skills went out the window and the game was lost. It was clear to anyone looking, that he was injured and should sit down. Why do coaches not pull a player after a good hit to the head?

It's not the first time either, I've had to tell at a coach who refused to pull an 7 year old off after he was screaming after a head collision with another player's head. Coach said "he's fine." I just stared at the coach with a 'are you serious?' look. Most times coaches will pull when I strongly suggest it. Your head gets rung, you usually just need a few minutes to sit and refocus. It happens.

I'm just wondering why and if anyone has feedback about how to approach players who should be sent off to be assessed.
