I'm a female in my lage 20s and have recently started reffing adult indoor leagues. I reffed kids and teenagers for years and loved it so I was really excited.

I was assigned to reffing the mens competitive league and these guys are killing me. It doesn't matter what I do, they're downright abusive towards me. I've definitely made mistakes and missed calls, this is my first time reffing indoor ever, I'm learning. But I have never and would never treat a ref the way these guys treat me.

The biggest problem, is they do it in just the right way where it doesn't warrant getting carded. They say things under their breath or they say little one liners at me and then move on until the next time, but it builds and gets the whole team worked up.

I'm not a wimp, I can handle the verbal abuse. The problem is, they don't play well anymore once they are mad at me (which starts very quickly once they realize I'm their ref). They get each other worked up, they start picking fights and testing me, one call or no-call, whether it was a correct call or not, send both teams screaming and yelling at me and each other. They start taking cheap shots. They start ignoring obvious rules. They just don't play the game anymore.

I've reffed a couple of the co-ed league games filling in, and that league is a breeze compared to this league. I spoke with another female ref and she said the men treated her like that too for a while.

I just don't know how to get things better at this point. The men see me and start acting up and talking crap before the game even starts.

It's starting to weigh on me pretty hard. I'm scared it's gonna get out of hand, that someone is gonna get hurt, that I'm gonna get fired because of all the complaints, that I'm gonna miss calls because of how much is happening and it leads to something bad. I'm just not sure what to do at this point.

I don't want to just stop reffing. And I know this post might sound like I'm just not cut out for it, but the other leagues are perfectly fine. I'm not like getting all emotional or anything, it's just getting rough and stressful.

Any advice?