Poor kid! She's old enough to remember that one forever too. But I'm sure you will both laugh about it a lot down the line.

I will remember to take a few deep breaths and think before talking when I get the question. Lol

Jaden Ivey :ivey:

His first wife sadly passed but his second wife is beating cancer's sorry ass.

The dentist figured it out right away because his daughter had the exact same thing. Your thing is different and maybe it is nothing and maybe it is normal but maybe it is a thing and maybe they can help!

Might want to see a dentist. Our son has two teeth fused together where one should be (upper lateral incisor) they made it hard for his other teeth to cut through. He was in an incredible amount of discomfort over it. Ultimately dentists didn't want to do anything though.

Yeah my 3mo started doing it at 2.5 months because she is cursed with early teeth.

Came here to comment the same. Unreal how he looks like older Paul.

Vinegar also will repel some nasty insects including mites that tend to find a way in through the windows.

Get a cat-- they will figure the rest out.

I have two hand tattoos: a star at the center of my palm and an old English D at the base of my thumb. When my son touches the star, it is the vacuum button and my hand vacuums his head. The other is a train. He's 2.5 and has loved that since he was 9 months old.

When people say "after we put her down" or "put him in bed," what does that even mean? My kid just gets up and runs around screaming until I read him books on the couch for 2 hours. Even after melatonin he will fight tooth and nail not to sleep and always has.

They maybe aren't healthy mentally. It annoys me too when this type of thing happens because I have maybe 20 minutes of free time a day and on the rare occasion I can find time to play go, it really sucks to encounter such a situation.

But all you can do is ask ogs to help how they can and focus on enjoying go. Try IGS if you have a hard time finding respectful opponents elsewhere.

I m in the same boat. Rural, no friends in the state. I do find out had helped to get him outside for a walk or something first thing when it isn't possible to go to library or park. Ultimately the exercise, change of scenery and social stuff is a need and you've got to get creative to make sure that need gets met. My kid tears up the house and goes on a hunger strike if it gets to noon and he hasn't gone out and seen other people. It is a real struggle keeping the roof over our heads and meeting that need. Good luck!

Only success I have is to pick him up and carry him outside for a change of environment. Exiting the context for the tantrum seems to get him back to talking about it and moving past it after lots of deep breaths and reassuring.

Some kids feel increased pressure to do what they can't do yet in time out and calm-down corner and stuff--regulate their own emotions. The reality is we've got to manage their mood for them and even then they are just going to lose it quite often. I try to remind myself when things are calm that they won't be for long and that those eruptions are opportunities to teach coping skills.

I can see the pistons getting him to replace Wiseman in the bench unit. Not saying it is a good idea but it is something I can see them doing.

:det-2: Pistons

I grew up in a tough neighborhood in the Bad Boys Era. I promise you physical play is expected but you understand that if you cross the line toward risking someone's vision during pickup, you knew what you were asking for. Nephews doing a battier impression need to know what's coming to them. It's dumb. Physical play is fine. I expect some bruises and scrapes. There's no reason to risk eye injuries for pickup. It's stupid and no it doesn't make you cool or hard putting your man at risk when defending. It's a cowards move to do this during pickup. You playing for a career then do it but not on the pickup court.

:det-2: Pistons

That's fine. Face guarding is fine. Pulling leg hairs and a little elbow here and there, whatever. But if you put my vision remotely at risk over a pickup game, I'm going to hit you in the eye. Some of us adults need our bodies functioning to provide for our families and we don't want to spend our precious little leisure time playing pickup with poorly adjusted wannabes who think it is more than pickup.

Just saying you guard like Battier in pickup and don't be surprised if nobody wants to play with you or you get an ass whooping.

Jaden Ivey :ivey:

I don't think that was correct--I think that is only an issue with player options. Contract law is really complex so there could be something else though.

Jaden Ivey :ivey:

Thank you

Jaden Ivey :ivey:

Williams for okc. The one who starts. Jalen and Jaylen Williams both on the roster.

I agree the nickname sucks.

Jaden Ivey :ivey:

165? Pretty decent sample as reflective data. Maybe not predictive but pretty good given the period of measurement.

Jaden Ivey :ivey:

Edit: I'm not saying Wiseman can't develop as a floor spacer necessarily--just that it doesnt seem a good investment of floor time.

I agree about Stew being better off the bench but we tried the double big thing with Duren and Wiseman and it doesn't work. Wiseman has had some positive contributions--i'm not trying to demean the young man--but the contract decision suggests the outlook on Wiseman from inside the organization is similar to the one from the fans: he is not the future.

Duren is not a 4. Wiseman isn't a 4. Stew is only a very situational 4. Two 5s doesn't work especially if neither can space the floor. There's a reason Muscala has been so positive for us.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts. All the best.