Our sweet, happy little girl will be 2 in July. I would say she's always been about or above average when it comes to sleep needs, and we are lucky in that she typically sleeps through the night/her naps, ignoring the occasional regression.

However, where we messed up is, we never taught her how to fall asleep without help. My husband is a SAHD, and I'm home for bedtime every night, so she never falls asleep without one of us available. And our routine for her falling asleep has been, since she was born essentially, us laying back in the recliner in her room, and her flopping around on us getting cuddles until she eventually falls asleep. Then we carefully, as quietly and evenly as possible, get out of the chair and place her in her crib, where she (ideally) sleeps through the night.

But this routine is no longer working for us. She's simply getting too big for me to casually swing her into the crib without waking her, and if she wakes up, it's game over and we have to lay down with her again until she's asleep. This can sometimes take over an hour, and on bad nights, 2+ hours.

I'm convinced she's old enough to learn how to fall asleep on her own. I'd like us to get into some sort of routine where we give her milk, read a book, give some cuddles & put her in her bed while she's still awake, and she puts herself to sleep. But I almost feel like we are too far gone at this point. We skipped sleep training when she was a baby because it didn't feel right for us, but maybe we messed up with that, cuz nearly 2 years later, things aren't changing.

Our routine is as followed:

7am wakeup

11:30-1:00 nap (we don't let her nap longer than 1.5 hours anymore because she WILL NOT SLEEP if we do, and we don't allow her to sleep past 2pm)

6:45 bathtime, bottle, & cuddles

7:30 ideally asleep

This schedule ideally needs to stay near identical, due to my work schedule. I wake up at 4am every day, so I try to go to sleep no later than 9:30. So please dear God don't make me give up my ~1 hour a day of me/ me&my husband time. I cling to that time of day lol.

Has anyone sleep-trained a toddler? Those of you who put your kiddos into their bed and they eventually just....fall asleep? How??? Please, I'll take any advise. My husband and I are committed to starting whatever sleep training we decide on very soon, so I'd love a gameplan.