For anyone who will have this problem this is the answer: Firmware Update

I just did it again and it works. Guess it doesn't work like normal update in games / apps.

My new LCD screen is flickering. Does anybody know what it could be?

 I had spilled resin thrugh FEP hole to the point that it got throught the protective LCD tape. It worked for few days more but It started to shows glitches on the screen and stopped printing at all. I just replaced that old LCD and the lights are flickering and twitching. I tried to reconnect all cables but nothing has changed. Nothing is printable right now because of this problem. Does anybody know what it could be?

I changed LCD screen and the light is flickering and everything is still unprintable. Does anybody know what it can be?

I really hope it's only the LCD. Everything else seems fine

Thanks for answering! That's helps a lot. Guess I'll fund it then. When it comes to "Zone Threats" I can see in "+ Stretch Goals" section on:

i can see "Horde of Monsters Section" with "Zone Threats" box icon. But also I can see that "Zone Threats" can be bought separately for 70$ so that's where the confusion comes from.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The Board Game on gamefound questions.Help

Hi. I have few questions. I've never backed anything on Kickstarter or gamefound. I've recently got hooked on board games and I'm thinking about backing Stalker but is it true what they say "Get twice as much for the same money! In retail, you'll easily pay twice the price for the Core box and Strech Goals"? I've read somewhere that games ofter are cheaper on retail so I'm confused now. Also, I've read something that Awaken Realms makes insane delays on shipping so it might be a better idea to buy from someone who already got the game and resells it. Also, I'm not sure if I understand correctly the "Stretch goals" concept. I'm supposed to get stretch goals even if I buy the cheapest pledge for 95$? So I will get Base game + Zone Survival Mode + Lost Territories expansion + few new models + dog + plastic markers and many more? I deduced that I won't get Zone Threats models, even if they are marked as a Stretch Goal so it's all confusing.

Android tablet instead of graphic tablet

I'm sculpting for few years now and I wanted to buy myself a tablet 1. to sculpt "on a go" 2. To connect it to pc so it works like graphic tablet. Here is my question. Does this workflow even works? I know there are apps to connect android tablet to pc but does anyone tried that.

I am also dissapointed, mostly playback was hearable his voice was almost not there only in 3 or 4 songs he actually sing with his mid vocals, not once he singed high pitch. Also Rei Brown and Lil Toe had much more energy on the scene. I was impressed with Rei Brown energy and IMO he had much better performance than Joji even if I don't really listen to his music, but he was a VIBE. Joji felt like he really didn't wanted to be there. I get that he really don't want to, but If I knew, I wouldn't come to this concert. It was dissapointing but... at least Warsaw is nice :D

Same here, that's what I call, bulls**t

I've found 2 possible fixes for this:

  1. In Steam game properties go to the Launch options depending on your gear type:-cpuCount=8 -maxMem=10240
  2. Probably the actual fix is that for some reason you cannot change the priority of the game so in order to change it you need to make a new rule in the registry

- Windows key + R then type "regedit"- then in the registry go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options-There make a new key called "Huntgame.exe" and in this folder make another one called "PerfOptions"In PerfOptions create new DWORD and call it "CpuPriorityClass" and set its value to 3 a leave it on Hexadecimal

After this, my game went from ~55FPS to stable 72FPS with no stuttering whatsoever and it runs like butter.