When I use the camera shake tool on a .png the result is a little disappointing. When it's in motion it looks completely fine, but w on the edge of the image. The problem is when rendered out, the video will look like it did in the editor while not being played. So those pixels appear in the final video, which is very irritating.

Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it?

EDIT: I FIXED THE PROBLEM! If anyone is facing the same problem:

Go into the Inspector in the Video section. Go all the way down to "Retime and Scaling"

It will be all set to "Project settings"

Change Resize Filter to "Bilinear" or "Bicubic". If u don't mind a different scaling "Crop" under Scaling also works In general I just found out about it so it may differ at some points, so play around a little, hopefully something should work.

I searched so long for a fix to that. I'm so happy