I’m Aries. You’re spot on. I’ve learned to control my temper over the years, and I hope my bride of 41 years loves me for my good traits, such as hard work, honesty, loyalty, protection, generosity, etc!

Think of what would happen if you two were actually married! At least now you have a choice.

Thank him for his romantic compassion with you, then, recommend a woman who would appreciate him, and let him go.

My first GF was a Scorpio. I adored her. Unfortunately, we had to break up after 6 years together, because she didn’t want to be a military wife. I still miss her.

When it comes to money, my wife and I have “hers, mine, ours.” What we do with our individual accounts is never a source of conflict. For things requiring “our” funds, we always discuss. Seems to work.

If you’re not feeling like this woman is right for you, do yourselves both a favor. Tell her, gently and honestly, then move on,

My wife of 41 years got an HIV 1 virus as a little girl from an overly kissy older female relative. She gets a lip cold sore perhaps ever three months. She told me this while dating, and I was perfectly ok with it. When she gets a cold sore we just don’t lip kiss, nor does she go down on me, until it passes. Has not been a problem for our 43 years together.

Killing yourself over some girl isn’t very smart. If after 6 years you don’t like this gal, move on. She’ll survive without you, trust me, and you’ll survive without her!! NO woman is worth taking your life! Zero! None!!

Anything is possible, but it’s probably not too likely, assuming the pool water is properly maintained.

Time for you to find a new BF. As a doctoral candidate you should be able to see this crystal clear! If you don’t move out and on, all you’re going to be is his extreme intelligent maid.

I don’t know, but I suppose that’s what you get for snooping on you husband’s phone. Or, he’s not he brightest bulb leaving a pornography site on his browser. Either way, not good for either of you.

Of course not! It’s YOU on that towel, and OBTW, a clean you if you just showered!!

Take yourself and your child to the nearest divorce lawyer and get out of that toxic marriage of yours!

Probably wouldn’t be a bad thing for BOTH of you to start looking at therapy, either together or separately.

News flash! At age 17 there ISNT anywhere for you to go, other than stay in USA. You have no clue of what you’re talking about, worry-wise, because you haven’t lived lon enough yet to know what really bad is. Despite what you MAY think, the USA is still about the best there is. Why do you think illegals want to come here?

You may not have any choice but to put him in assisted living. Govt won’t pay for that unless he’s penniless, so just be prepared for a major expense, like $4000+ per month.

If you start transferr assets, just be aware there is a FIVE YEAR look back by the IRS for payment purposes. If you need to put him in assisted living anytime soon, he (or someone) will wind up paying for it.

My wife and I, married 41 years, have an agreement. When she wants my undivided attention and do something for her right now, she VERY GENTLY gets in my face and articulates exactly what she wants. I drop what I’m doing and get it done. In passing conversation I may say “of course” to a request, but prioritize it differently. Our agreement works very well!!

Look at the positive side! You’ve been “together“ for 6 years, but not actually “married!” Move on and find someone who sexually satisfies you!