/r/podcasting: Podcast News and Discussion for Podcasters and Their Podcasts

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Weekly Episode Thread July 01, 2024 - Share Your Podcast, Request Feedback, Discover New Ones


Here's where you can promote the latest from your podcast. New threads are posted each Monday. Please include:

Your podcast's name and a brief description

A link to your new episode

A summary of the episode (please note if it's explicit)


Want feedback on your podcast? Post your latest along with specific questions. Click here for examples.

When requesting feedback, please reply to at least one other person in the thread. Otherwise, no one will ever receive feedback.

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Weekly Services Thread June 26, 2024 - Post Your Podcasting Related Product, Tool, Or Service Here
This is a weekly thread for podcasting related product, service, and tool providers to post their capabilities and updates to the r/podcasting community.

Post a podcasting related product, tool, or service that is relevant to the r/podcasting community. If you are in beta or development for your capability please state at the top of your comment: "Feedback Requested."

For all comments/replies to this post thread: please provide a detailed description of what your product, tool, or service does and post a link to your product, service, or tool including relevant pricing information.

Try to remember the following:

  • You must disclose your affiliation to the product, tool, or service in the comment

  • Posts by accounts with little or no Reddit or r/podcasting subreddit history will be considered suspect by many members of this subreddit and receive little or no attention.

  • If you are asking for feedback be specific and ask questions like: What can we improve? Would you consider using this capability/service? Is the graphical interface/web presence adequate? What capabilities are missing?

Examples Of Appropriate Comment Topics:

  • Editing/production services

  • AI Tools

  • Hosting Services

  • Advertisement sales services

  • New Podcasting Software

  • Connecting/Recording Services

  • Guest Connection Services

  • Podcast artwork creation services

  • Podcasting Scheduling/Calendar Services

  • etc

If you are posting for a personal service like editing or social media management keep these thoughts in mind (free or paid):

  • You are basically applying for a job with the podcast; your experience, qualifications, and past employment history matter to your future employer so information about you is important

  • List your current available skills and tools. What DAWs are your capable of operating in? Have you used existing collaborative spaces before? What social media platforms do you have experience in?

  • If you are offering services for social media management show either examples of past work or at least offer up your personal accounts for review

  • What time zone do you live in? If I'm a podcast producer and need to get in touch with you about an emergency situation I need to know what hours I can contact you

  • What is your strategy or philosophy for doing the work you propose?

  • What are your rates? (If free how long will you offer that rate?)

  • What is your goal and/or what are you trying to accomplish?

Thank you to everyone posting, we look forward to reading about what you are doing to help podcasters!

All subreddit rules still apply. If you violate the subreddit rules your comment will be removed and your account can be given a temporary or permanent ban. Excessive or unreasonable requests for personal information in order to access the tool or service will also be treated as a rule violation.

The r/podcasting Moderators do not endorse or approve of any of the tools and services posted here unless explicitly stated as such by the moderators.

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Any pointers on helping to grow a podcast with out the use of instagram and YouTube?

I recently created a podcast on the topic of F1 where I talk about the ups and the downs of the F1 race and build up, I talk about rumours and try to incorporate comedy and news into them, not many of the F1 podcast I have noticed have explicit humour in them so I am hoping there is a community for that! I post pretty much daily and my listeners are growing well, but for some reason the impression are dropping rapidly even though a majority of the listeners stay around till the end of each episode? Does anyone know why that’s the case?

How did you get over the fact that it's so hard to get new followers?

A couple years ago, it felt like podcasting was for us, regular people. But now I notice that every traditional media are creating podcasts and, of course, getting all the attention. How do you folks deal with that?

It seems particularily hard for those of us who don't have a podcast in English. My podcast is in French, in Canada, and so right now I feel like I'm being eclipsed by Radio Canada, Qub, and all the radio stations (and their big budgets) that created channels on Apple Podcasts and pretty much dominate the landscape.

I haven't reached the point where I'm at peace with that... how'd you do it?

Edit: thanks for all of your replies. I do make my podcast for fun, but recently I've been a bit obsessed with numbers. Thanks for bringing me back on the right track everyone.

Need Help: Managing Audio-Only Podcasts on YouTube Post-Google Podcasts Change

Hi r/podcasting,

I work for a church, and we’re facing a bit of a dilemma with the recent shift from Google Podcasts to YouTube. We currently publish audio-only versions of our sermons as podcasts via an RSS feed through SubSplash. However, these audio-only podcasts are now showing up as videos on YouTube, cluttering our feed.

I suggested that we could publish our RSS feed as a video podcast since we already record and edit our sermons for our website. This way, we could have a cohesive video presence on YouTube. But a colleague is concerned about the larger file sizes for those who prefer to download podcasts, as not all third-party podcast apps may have the option to download only audio.

So, we’re stuck between two main options I think:

  1. Not uploading audio podcasts to YouTube at all - This would hurt our discoverability.
  2. Creating a second YouTube channel just for our audio podcasts - This seems like a messy workaround and could confuse our audience.

We also livestream our services weekly, so our sermons are already available in video form on YouTube. Having both video and audio versions side by side looks super cluttered.

Does anyone have any advice on managing this transition smoothly? Have you dealt with a similar situation? Any tips on keeping our YouTube presence clean and organized while maximizing discoverability?

TLDR: With Google Podcasts moving to YouTube, our church’s audio-only sermons are cluttering our YouTube feed as videos. Debating between converting to video podcasts (larger files for downloads) or creating a second YouTube channel for audio-only. We also livestream our services, making the feed look cluttered. Seeking advice on managing this transition and maintaining a clean YouTube presence.

(PS, yes I used AI to to write the above, since before it was just a bunch of incoherent words lol. But seriously any help is appreciated!)

What will be the most straightforward, braindead, pile-up audio files way to edit podcasts after July 9?

So, guys, long story short: I have, with some friends, a podcast that's more like an inside joke: We talk videogames via whatsapp audio messages, download those messages, pile them up (along with some whatsapp message tones) in that Spotify For Podcasters micro editing interface and release it.

Thing is: Spotify is going to discontinue that editing interface on Spoitfy for Podcasters, starting July 9th, and suggests migrating to Riverside. And, frankly, for our really minimalistic approach, Riverside is really overkill. Not only that, but it's this multifunction video including, live studio thinking, subcription based thing and, to be honest, we really need somewhere to just pile up audios and hit "send" just like Spotify for Podcasters is until next week.

So I went searching and the closest to it I got was this Adobe Podcast site that seemed promising at first sight but is really in some beta stage (don't allow uploading multiple files at once or creating a library with previously used sounds - both things are at the core of our simple editing).

Then I know there's the heavy, pro stuff, like Adobe Audition, which allows to make simple edits as well. I, myself, work with After Effects and already did a lot of audio work in Audition, but the editor of the podcast is a friend and these pro interfaces are a bit too much for our case, anyways.

One of the guys suggested this Bandlab service that seems nice and simple, we'll take a look.

But, in the meantime, I was wondering if you guys know some editing tool that resembles what Spotify for Podcasters is until next week when it will be discontinued.

Feel free to suggest anything that comes to mind!

Thanks in advance and all the best! :)

Best way to clip, & save videos to show during a livestream

I am making a political talk show- and I wanted to know how to Show specific articles/ videos from YouTube or the news in live time while I’m talking about it.

For example : Showing a clip of Supreme Court then have it go back to me at my desk.


Where can i get some good music to use for an intro?

So i've recorded my first few episodes and a short trailer, but i'd like to have some music to use for intros and transitions. Does anyone know a good repository for royalty free music to search?

Marketing for a startup podcast

Any methods that anyone has had success with for a low budget startup podcast? A few of my friends and family listen, but so far that’s about it.

We post TikTok, insta, YouTube, and Facebook clips that have gotten some views. But I’m looking for any tips that could bring us some success at gaining new viewers.

I contemplated maybe getting a table at our local farmers market/trade show and talking to people/handing out cards with our socials on them. Open to ideas!

What are the ways you convert listeners into email list for your podcast?

I'm currently doing a research on ways to turn podcast listeners into email subscriber. I saw few podcaster turn for free5-day email course/free book collection etc..

Would a BDSM paddle interest you as merch?

We are a Sex & Relationship podcast that lean heavily into the sex portion of it all. We have a Patreon where we try to upload new episodes a week in advance plus other freebies (mostly stickers). I recently got a 3D printer and came up with the bright idea of making a BDSM paddle. Or Max tier is $10 would you be more convinced to support us even one month for one of these paddles?

Link below. Grayed out as to not self promote.

Any and all suggestions even color options would be appreciated.

Beginner Podcaster

Does anyone have some suggestions of good podcasting equipment for beginners that can be purchased on Amazon? I’m looking for 4 mics, a mixer & a camera. I’m not looking to spend more than 500 tho, just something to start with!

How to be ok not being perfect

I’ve never podcasted before but I have done a lot of training and presentations so I’m not totally unfamiliar with script reading and interjecting off the cuff comments. Here’s my dilemma. I’m working on an introductory episode that requires more long chunks of uninterrupted monologue than my actual format will require. I have completely re-recorded it 3 times. Damn ADHD perfectionism. I know it won’t be great because it’s my first time and the equipment isn’t the best but I still am putting way too much pressure to get it right. How do you get over not stressing out over the delivery of each line and syllable and just being ok with a decent take and some editing?

First day on Spotify

I know that podcast plays are subjective, but I was just wondering if around 80 plays the first day was good or super low? I do have kind of a large following on X & here, but I’m trying to gauge if this is a good number for my first day released on Spotify & Apple + others! It’s been on YouTube a little bit now. I just recently learned to get on Spotify too!

Two of us want to do a podcast together, but live in different states--how do we record HQ voice?

Google voice is low quality, but will record calls. Android apps used to record calls, but appear to to have been broken by the people who code Android.

I am doing a show where we are in different states. What is the best method for recording audio in that situation?

Newbie looking for recommendation for a simple handheld recorder for sit down interviews

Hi all, first ever reddit post, go easy on my first choices and my ignorance! I figure this is a good place to start. I'm in the prep phase for a months long project to record and preserve some of my family's oral history. Stories, anecdotes, general history, etc.

I'm looking for a recommendation for a handheld recorder for sit down interviews in untreated rooms, I'm going for a kind of "set it and forget it" set up (and that's not my phone). I'm not looking for the best of the best, but for something that will can capture the subtleties in voices. I've found a few starting options that I like or make sense for me, like the Tascam DR-05X or Zoom H series. Maybe with the possibility of adding lav mics later on if needed.

Any recommendations or will the above choices serve me fine? Thank you!

Do I need guests to sign a release form

I have a podcast that is in the style of 'S Town' but about my dysfunctional family but I am in the process of adapting it to other people's stories instead of my own. Do I need to get the people that I interview to sign release forms? If so where do I get them from? I vaguely remember hearing that I can download them somewhere.

Spotify Geo Analytics Available?

Greetings. My team and I launched our podcast through Spotify for Podcasters in March 2023. Since then, the available analytics for the show and each episode remained consistent: I can see retention data, download numbers, monetization and which percentage of our listeners use which devices and podcast apps.

About a month ago, one of my fellow hosts added another show they do independently, to our Spotify for Podcasters backend, though it still being hosted elsewhere. BUT I notice when I click on the episodes for that show, there is so much more analytics information available it's kind of baffling. BUT the main analytic that's available for that show, but not ours is downloads by Country and Region and State. This is info I want for our show.

Unfortunately, Spotify's Help/Support has zero info about this. Is the par for the course for podcasts launched via Spotify, or is there something I'm missing?

Recommendations for a beginner-level marketing service for podcasts

Hi there, I was wondering if there is a marketing service that specializes in marketing podcasts? I understand you can pay for ads on other podcasts, and you can buy google ads, but I was hoping there might be a service that can reach a more specific audience for my podcast. Our podcast deals with surveys (for academics, businesses, etc.) and I know that we don't necessarily have broad appeal for our subject. But I am not skilled with marketing. Anyways, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Is there a copyright law regarding episode names?

I was chewing over a few ideas for the name of an episode and had one option 'An Empire strikes back' come to mind.

I remember a while back hearing that names of books and films couldn't be copyrighted. This could be horsefeathers but it got me thinking.

Unlikely that I'll choose that title but I did wonder about it as a general thing.

Spotify - "More Podcasts Like This"

Looking for info on the "More Podcasts Like This" portion of our Spotify landing page. Does anyone know how this is determined? Currently, we aren't getting such great matches there and I'm curious if this even matters.

I'm under the impression that if Spotify can correctly categorize our cast, we'll get more traffic and this tells me that it doesn't quite know what our content is yet. :(


Best used shotgun mic under 100$

Hello podcasters,

Maybe you can help me find what I'm looking for. I'm currently using an H4N Pro recorder as my main USB mic, but since I don't do remote recordings anymore, I'm selling it and getting something more suitable.

I don't like having a microphone in my face, so I want good audio at about 30-60 cm (~10-24 in) away from my head. Under $100, I'm looking at the Rode NTG1 / NTG2, but there are some pretty horrible reviews on these mics.

I'm going to pair this with an audio interface, so XLR with phantom power is fine.

Any suggestions? Thanks :)

First time Podcasting help

Hey! Im making a dnd podcast with my friends and last session was our first record which had a bunch of errors, the gain was turned up way to high so we had a bunch of audio leaks (being able to hear other people on others mics) and it just is one mess to clean up. I use a volt audio interface with four xlr slots and know next to monitor everyone’s gain in the recording software and make sure we are leveled but as a first time podcaster trying to make sure his recording is the best it can be to take some weight off of editing. Does anyone have any tips for podcasting maybe like the do’s and dont’s or just any before you start recording check this type of deal. Any help is appreciated thank you!

Setting up a Podcast for a Startup: Need Suggestions on Cameras within 3 Lakh Rupees Budget!

Hey everyone,

I'm in the process of launching a podcast for our startup and looking to invest in some good camera equipment. Our budget is around 3 lakh rupees, and we need two cameras with lenses.

Could anyone recommend cameras that are great for podcasting? We're aiming for high-quality video and good performance in various lighting conditions. Any advice on specific models and lenses would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!"

How Do I Pull My Podcast Offline?

I closed my show out via my hosting site, Libsyn, years ago. Is there any way I can now remove it from syndicated platforms? I don't want the content still showing up in Spotify, for example.

Trying to Start a Podcast Centered Around the Green Bay Packers.

I have a rough idea of some of the stuff I want to use.

• Riverside.fm • Blue Yeti microphone • Audio-Technica ATH-M20X Headphones

What kind of computer would you recommend (preferably a laptop instead of a whole desktop arrangement)?

Also, what are some approaches to find co-hosts and guests? I live in Indiana, so finding local Packer fans who would be interested might be difficult.

I appreciate any helpful advice you may have for me.

Poscasting use case

Hey folks, I have this specific use case that:

1 mac for audio input 1pc for audio input 1 xlr mic for input for both workstations (switching) 1 rca speakers for those 2 workstation for output purposes Can output both sounds to the rca speakers (fade volume in between)

I need an interface that can take the input 2 workstations as well as an xlr mic and output it to the rca speakers

Im looking at rode streamer x but i cant seem to find a video/forum that answers my use case