
The name of the pod comes from a book that my sister was told to read by a counselor about coping with a loved one who has BPD, its called 'Stop Walking on Eggshells' and another book about Narcissistic Personalty Disorder', it's called 'Emotional Vampires'. No professional diagnosis has been made for either parent, but we theorised that our Mum has BPD and our Dad has NPD.


The name of the pod comes from a book that my sister was told to read by a counselor about coping with a loved one who has BPD, its called 'Stop Walking on Eggshells' and another book about Narcissistic Personalty Disorder', it's called 'Emotional Vampires'. No professional diagnosis has been made for eith parent, but we theorised that our Mum has BPD and our Dad has NPD.

Looking for podcast guests who have BPD

I produce a podcast with my sisters about my dysfunctional family. During season 2 (yet unreleased) we come to the conclusion that our mother might have BPD. As much of the podcast has been highlighting the negative things Mum has done, I wanted to find a guest or some guests who have BPD to talk about the condition, to give their perspective. I don't want to paint people with BPD in a negative light because it's not what I believe. I have already had a clinical psychologist on the show who was amazing but I really want to hear about the condition from someone who lives with it everyday. The podcast is called 'Walking on Eggshells with an Emotional Vampire" if you want to check it out before getting back to me. Please let me know if your interested in being a part of our show.

This is so true, I'm not kidding when I say my first 3 episodes took a year and a half to create with 3 re-edits on episode 1 and 2 re-edits on 2 and 3, but I am so glad I did. Because of the effort I took, the podcast has a great strike rate. Of course episode 1 has the most downloads, but the numbers on the other episodes imply that more than 2/3 of people that listen to episode 1 listen to the rest of the episodes.

I should wear my glasses when I'm posting stuff, I didn't even realise I has misspelled anything till you just mentioned it πŸ™ƒ The podcast is highly edited with interviews and misic. I was heavily inspired by 'S Town' and 'This American Life', and I think all that raw audio is taking up my spave. I use Adobe Audition to edit, maybe it's on a setting that is backing up the raw files unnecessary? I dunno? I might look into it today and see what I can find.

That's a good idea! I'm set to start releasing season 2 of the pod in a few months. When I uploaded episode 1, I might re check the prediction and see how it tracks after 90 days and post an update. Now we just have to see if I remember πŸ€ͺ

The podcast is an 8 episode season, so only 8 episodes, and it's been out for just under a year. Lately I've been averaging about 20 downloads a day. Obviously it was much higher than this when the episodes first dropped. I am curious about the prediction as I'm only a few months from starting to release season 2.

Buzzsprout podcast predictor is it accurate?

It's telling me that my next episode will get 1320 unique downloads in its first 90 days of life. Does anyine know how this is predicted or if it's accurate at all?

What a great response, and that link was money! It was reassuring to lean the 321 rule and realise I have been doing it by accident anyway. I think the NAS option is what I will go for. I always feel like my external HDs will crash and I will lose everything, but a NAS system will fend against this. Thanks for the info, I think it will take me a minute to get there, but I know what I am aiming for now.

Does anyone else record and edit on their laptap and have spave issues

This is a constant battle for me. I have to delete every episode I create as soon as I upload it to make space to edit the next one. I use G-drive and a plug in hard drive to keep my raw audio files but it seems antiquated and is a constant struggle. Is there something I'm doing wrong or is this something all podcasters face.

If you shoot me a DM I can go over some specifics ☺️

Oh sorry, I thought the previous post was removed because my account was not yet 7 days old.

Thanks for allowing the other to stay up

Do I need guests interviews to sign a release form?

I have a podcast that is in the style of 'S Town' but about my dysfunctional family but I am in the process of adapting it to other people's stories instead of my own. Do I need to get the people that I interview to sign release forms? If so where do I get them from? I vaguely remember hearing that I can download them somewhere.


I recommend starting from episode 1 'Big Red Undies' as the podcast tells an ongoing story.

I'm happy to discuss here or you can PM me and we can go over things there.

We can talk about it and see. There is no rush and no pressure. Maybe PM and we can go from there.

It's a totally audio format. We also use fake names and locations for our privacy.

If you are happy to you can tell me a bit about your story here or you can DM me if it's better for you.

It's just audio, we also change names, locations and some details for our own privacy so we would do the same for any guests that we had.

If you haven't, I would encourage you to check out the podcast, just to make sure that you are indeed happy with the format. The tone might be different to what you would imagine. If you are still interesd to be a part of it after listening, let me know.

Here's a link to the first episode:
