Plan your story as a podcast in a certain number of episodes. Outline your life into “chapters.” Those are your episodes. Each chapter just talk about that happened, how you overcame it, what you learned. When the story is over say for example over 8 episodes, that’s either the end of the podcast period or the end of season 1.

Hi would love to talk with you about the NDE and these other events. You have 9 (or more) lives. Shoot me an email at [email protected]

I appreciate all the advice. I just got over myself and just did it. Just published now so waiting on it to show up.

Awesome thanks! I’ll respond shortly in email.

How to be ok not being perfect

I’ve never podcasted before but I have done a lot of training and presentations so I’m not totally unfamiliar with script reading and interjecting off the cuff comments. Here’s my dilemma. I’m working on an introductory episode that requires more long chunks of uninterrupted monologue than my actual format will require. I have completely re-recorded it 3 times. Damn ADHD perfectionism. I know it won’t be great because it’s my first time and the equipment isn’t the best but I still am putting way too much pressure to get it right. How do you get over not stressing out over the delivery of each line and syllable and just being ok with a decent take and some editing?

Awesome please email me at [email protected] and give me a brief description of your story. Thanks!

I would love to hear more and have you on. Please send me a short email at [email protected] and let me know your preferred on air name and a brief overview of what you would like to talk about. We can do a longer virtual interview in the next couple of weeks or you can also send me an audio file (like maybe a voice memo file) of some of your experiences you want to share.

Oh no I meant I could record and edit M-Th and release Friday. But yeah I don’t really want to do Friday so I think going to look at the schedule again.

What is your release day?

Question for other small / indie podcasters….If you do a weekly show, what is your release day?

Do you know when most of your audience listens?

I had thought about doing a Friday release because that might work best with when I can record. But then I thought that maybe the weekend isn’t the best if most people are like me and listen during a work commute.

I plan to record on my phone too. So I’m curious about the advice myself.

No I agree with you. I think put out what I can when I can at first and don’t sit on them.

“Pilot” Episode/Banking Eps for Release

I’m starting a paranormal podcast with content based mainly on interviews. There’s going to be some intro, info dumps inserted, and some like mailbag/content from social media interactions but like 80% of the episode will be interview. Anyway I planned originally to bank several episodes before I released anything, and that seems to be the consensus from others. But now I’m thinking it will be soo much easier to get people to follow through to being recorded if I have a released episode to show them. And it probably wouldn’t matter too much if I’m not on a set schedule since basically no one will be listening at first….or maybe ever….

Wish you the best! It seems to be hard to get guests when you’re a new podcast. I think that’s a great idea btw.

Some people just like to listen to podcasts. My idea is to give people a place to speak in their own words…maybe similar to the old Art Bell shows. I don’t plan to “interrogate” but I would ask the obvious or maybe sometimes weird questions that people listening would want to know I think.

Thanks for responding! That is awesome! I would love to have you on. Please send me a short email to [email protected] with your preferred on air name and some very brief descriptions of what you would like to talk about. Maybe the most significant encounters. I would like to start interviews as early as next week. Thanks

Hi! Thanks for responding! I would love to hear more. Please send me a short email to [email protected] and tell me your preferred on air name and a brief description of what you would like to talk about. Thanks!

Looking for first hand experiencesHaunted News

Brand new indie podcast looking to speak with eye witnesses of hauntings and other paranormal occurrences.

This project is just me on some limited equipment. Not a commercial venture at all.

Paranormal experiences

I’m starting a new paranormal podcast and would love to interview people about their personal experiences. Interview would be audio only and could range from 5 min to 30 min.

Hopefully this is allowed. I didn’t see anything in the community rules against it. Comment or message me and I’ll provide more information.

Looking for Guests With ghosts, UFOs, possession, NDEs, etc

Brand new super small podcast looking for guests who have personal experiences with supernatural, paranormal, otherworldly, bizarre, or macabre experiences.

Please email me at [email protected] and let me know your on air name and a shirt description of your story and I’ll respond with next steps. Thanks

Awesome thanks I’ll be In touch