Liberal Millennials Need to Embrace Patriotism

33 year old liberal millennial checking in here. I, like many of you, feel pretty sickened by the state of affairs in America today. Trump and his brand of hate has thoroughly destroyed the moral fabric of this country. But what has sickened me more is the absolute high jacking of “patriotism” by the right. They have managed to tie their belief system to being patriotic. Don’t believe in what they do? You must be anti-American! I’m tired of this nonsense. Just because I have a different vision for America doesn’t mean I’m anti-America. In fact I have faith that America can truly get better. What is more patriotic than that?

I think it’s high time liberal millennials take back the patriot title. We are the ones working for the rights this country truly values. Bodily autonomy, holding corporations accountable, minority rights, democratic elections, free and public education, the list goes on. This Independence Day I am going to fly the flag. And this November I am going to vote blue. Maybe at the very least it will piss of a right winger that a lefty is calling themselves patriotic.