lol. You’re probably gonna survive… but it’s gonna hurt like a mother fucker and you’ll be cursing god, your guy, the doctor and nurses and you’ll demand painkillers but it will be too late for a spinal tap so you’ll just have to tough it out. But you’ll forget the magnitude of the pain after a while

Most problems are because of billionaires or people trying to become billionaires. That’s why costs are high and pay is low

Don’t worry… most people here are making fun of chemtrail people.

Fentanyl isn’t actually a problem … because a super small dose is fatal …. I guess

It has its great parts. You are the bad part

What a bunch of whiny children. Taxes are your America Bill. You can’t simultaneously be a patriot and try to refuse to pay for it.

This is no conspiracy. Republicans are 100% in putins pocket. And it’s conspicuous because it’s contrary to their usual positions

Talk to your CEO friends - not Biden

You’ve received the proper dose already … no need for another dose today.

On what other vehicle does the ceo have to get involved to open a trunk/frunk???????

He was executed too soon of course. He should have been allowed to spill beans first