Bingo. If trump worked with heritage foundation on this plan, I’d take it seriously. He hasn’t. So I don’t care about it at all

It’s nothing more than a random plan from a DC think tank. The left has their own plans as well, which are probably far worse for the country, and for the FIRE movement, but no one really cares or is bringing attention to it.

This coordinated effort to make Project 2025 a boogeyman, so people vote for the incumbent Crypt Keeper is getting out of hand. Every subreddit has multiple ominous posts about it. There’s nothing to worry about. Stop letting idiots on Reddit scare you

I’m sure you’re already doing this, but call the hospital and see if they can work on the amount owed. Maybe a pay in full discount. Don’t pay it until you have enough to pay it off in full.

Dem voters need to unite behind RFK. He’s polling well enough to beat trump if the Biden votes come over to him.

I have little to no faith in government. Our politicians have proven time and time again to put corporate interests ahead of the interests of the people. I’m more libertarian now, because I want the government to have less money and influence over my life.

Middle class got some of those tax cuts. Biden administration hasn’t even attempted to extend those tax cuts for us. Teachers around the country benefited from those tax cuts. So that’s not the negative you think it is. And a GOP president is always going to nominate a conservative justice. Didn’t need the heritage foundation assistance for that.

Y’all worried about project 2025, meanwhile Congress is trying to pass a bill that would make lawsuits illegal against pesticide companies who cause injuries. But that’s what Biden and Trump are in favor of. Letting Monsanto poison us with no repercussions. If you’re sick of corporate influence in Washington DC, and don’t want your health and wellness to take a backseat to corporate greed, then vote for Kennedy. RFK is the only one talking about this stuff.

We know Trump and Biden won’t do it, they’ve each had 4 years to, and decided not to. So I’ll take my chances with Kennedy. He actually has personal reasons for full transparency

For those of us who can’t stand Trump or Biden, Kennedy is polling near 20% and has a real chance to win. See if you agree with his policies at

If you don’t have to, then just don’t. If it’s a boss, then just yes them to death. They’re pretty easy to manipulate, cause they’re just looking to continually be validated. But I’d advise looking for a new job and leaving them.

If it’s a parent, then just expect that they flip out every time you put up a boundary. They can’t take it. Ignore their temper tantrums, and don’t engage them. Eventually they tire themselves out, and will reach back out like nothing happened. Going no contact is also an option if your mental well-being is impacted by their actions.

For the love of God, Project 2025 is not a bill that is going to be passed if Trump wins. There’s no big plan to implement it. It’s simply a wish list comprised by the Heritage Foundation. It’s no different than leftist doctrines put forth by those organizations. It just isn’t going to be implemented.

I trust Kennedy on this. He has a couple personal reasons for full transparency. We know Biden and trump won’t, since they both had the opportunity and didn’t do it. So logic tells us the best chance is with Kennedy.

That’s pretty funny. Well played sir. Well played.

Been saying it for a couple months. The attacks and claims will continue to get worse. Democrats went back to high school years to attack Brett Kavanaugh. Winning above all else. They’ll do anything to destroy Kennedy.

NANC, tracks the trades of Pelosi I believe. It’s outperformed the markets. I just saw it yesterday, and it’s my next RothIRA purchase

I agree with the above advice. But if you’re 14, the simplest and most effective thing you can do is just open a brokerage account and invest in an S&P fund like VOO. Pay for college cash like you said. With that kind of money, that should double in 8-10 years, you should look to get a job that you enjoy.

I’m sure the party leaders told them to shut their mouths, and they’ll get in line like good little minions. We will start hearing how amazing Biden is cognitively, and how much sharper he is then trump. Trying to gaslight their listeners. But we all know it’s BS.

I don’t recommend forcing people to vaccinate with an unproven vaccine. I don’t recommend lying to people about the vaccine’s efficacy. I dont recommend letting Walmart and Target stay open while closing down mom and pop businesses. I don’t recommend forcing kids to get vaccinated to be able to go to school, despite the virus not having any real effects on them more than a typical cold.

I recommend you let life go on. I recommend they encourage people going outside and getting sunlight and fresh air, and exercising and eating healthier. Taking supplements for their immune system like Vitamin D and Zinc. I recommend you let gyms stay open. I recommend that you don’t pass laws to take the liability away from Pfizer if their vaccine cause serious injuries.


Lovem. Nothing screams Murica like Chinese made fireworks

The ones who teach the baby steps? How are they a ripoff?