If you don’t hear the ding you’ll feel the dong!!!

Yea this won’t fly at most shops especially DOD and or aerospace, with safety data sheets required and chemical/corrosive lockers and container identification standards, absolutely will not fly

Myron you magnificent bitch

Meanwhile resources wasted to attend trumps court

“Stay home if you’re sick Come over if you’re thic”

COVID 19 Bumper sticker I saw today

Your Grampy left it to you for a reason. Honor him.


Give her $20,000 cash and say the rest is tied up, give her a big hug, and that’s it. It’s not personal it’s business

We need the KGB Chicken back!!! And while you’re at it the Tuba Man & Mcnamaras Band!!!

“Le falta una buena cojida” in Spanish

It should be Once, Twonce, Thronce, Fronze, and Quance

You don’t want to get blood score a freaking run ese!!! I could go out there and score zero and I’m only paid $7.25/hr for heaven sake

Ándale ándale arre